
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 25, 2007 5:07 PM. The previous post in this blog was Bullies take half step back. The next post in this blog is Wheels come off Potter City Hall. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Thursday, October 25, 2007

Here's the EVAK tagger, police say

Police say one of the mentally ill people who run around Portland and vicinity in the middle of the night spray-painting inane "tags" on other people's property has been caught -- by a security camera, at least. Here he is, in as clear a photo as you could ask for. Who is this guy? Turn him in!

Comments (6)

I don't know why the cops (or local businesses) don't do more stings w/ hidden cameras on frequently tagged locations, then publicize the secret identity of those taggers. There are a half dozen spots near my house that get tagged every week. Wouldn't be hard to get some good photos if hidden cameras were used. And, really, the last thing a tagger wants is his face associated with his tag.

He better get at least a year in jail and a big fine.

Nailing the taggers with cameras and deterring consequences makes a whole lot more sense than Commissar Leonard's over-the-counter spray can decree. Like I want to give my driver's license I.D to some new hire behind the counter just to get a can of rustoleum. I'll just head to the suburbs for my rustoleum. I would think Taggers will too. Heck they get to ride the Max for free to get out there and back.

I know a prolific I.D. thief and check fraud artist who stole a couple hundred grand from local grocery stores.

He got a six month sentence, despite multiple prior convictions.

Your tagger will be unlikely to spend more than a few nights in jail if he's caught in MultCo.

There's no room at the inn.

I like his t-shirt ... everything's dirtier in the south.

The link shows a crystal clear photo of the tagger, but the article says police are guessing he's white.

Excellent police work we got going on around here.

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