
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 5, 2007 8:54 PM. The previous post in this blog was Have a great weekend. The next post in this blog is Whole Foods board sticks with wacky Mackey. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Friday, October 5, 2007

Here's his picture

If you see this guy, kick him hard in the groin for me.

Hey, Fred Stickel and Sandy Rowe! Thanks for the photo. Now will you stop glorifying the guy? Thanks.

Comments (8)

Thanks for the photo, but no thanks to the editors for posting the link to his website...

I dunno. Now maybe some people will attack the site. But it would be wrong, of course...

I can't see any good resulting from his living in Portland. Unless, of course, the NY Times does a flattering, trend-spotting lifestyle profile.

Another "creative class" immigrant...

As far as I can see the guy is not breaking the law. Yes, he is a little beyond the F-word on offensiveness. And I suspect he may enjoy offending us. But physically assaulting him? Or even advocating physical assault? Jack you're very wrong. As a law professor you should be demonstrating a higher standard of conduct. You might even offer us some deeper thought on the subject.

His presence should make parents much more vigilant at events posted. Just another brick in the wall of paranoia. If that's the result though, he wins, kinda like the pleasure he would (I suspect) derive from a swift kick in the yarbles. The attention with his photo plastered all over the net, is sufficient to cause the karmic shift which comes with public recognition. Congrats, dude, you pissed us off, now kiss your anonymity good bye.
Take one more look at his mug and be ever vigilant dear readers.

Personally, I'm glad he's getting the attention. The more press he gets, the more his face is known and the more we can keep an eye open for him.

Sorry Don, but I could care less whether he's done anything illegal or not. Anyone that does their part to point other sick bastards to places where my daughters may be deserves every bit of ass-whupping he gets. Beyond sick.

The arguments against taking action remind me of another situation where a friend of mine has an ex-boyfriend who's threatening to kill her and several of her friends. But of course, nothing can be done until he actually acts on those threats. Even though he's previously done time for attempted murder. On a cop.

Somebody please ring the bell. I will show him why there is weight divisions in boxing.

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