
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 3, 2007 11:17 PM. The previous post in this blog was Talk about "multiple use" park areas. The next post in this blog is Among the fallen. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Brain drain

Here's a story that makes me nervous. It seems as though most of the members of the Oregon legislature who actually have something on the ball are packing it in. Now State Sen. Ben Westlund is going to run for state treasurer. He joins a growing list of smart legislators who've decided they want to get paid if they're going to continue to drive all the way to Salem and run our government: Rep. Greg Macpherson (running for attorney general); Sen. Vicki Walker (for secretary of state); and Sen. Kate Brown (ditto). House Speaker Jeff Merkley is splitting to seek greener pastures in the U.S. Senate, and I'm probably forgetting some other important departure in my old age.

The legislature has never been mistaken for a Mensa chapter, and with this much experience leaving both chambers, that situation is not likely to improve next session. Meanwhile, good luck to Ben. I quit the Democratic party over the guy.

Comments (13)

I'm curious Jack, are you going to re-register Dem to vote for John Edwards in the Primary? He polls well here, but he's going to need every vote to beat Ms./Sen. Inevitable.

You've had your John Edwards banner up longer than I've had mine up, so assume your support is pretty solid.

Just asking, not challenging.

If the Oregon primary looks like it's not going to matter in the presidential, I'll probably stay unaffiliated, for reasons discussed here. But if there's any chance that the Oregon primary will play a role in determining the Democratic nominee, I will probably jump back in.

Hillary can't win. And so we can't nominate her.

Speaking of which, does anyone know offhand when the deadline for re-registering for the primary is? The primary's still May 20, correct? I think the deadline's March 11. Have I got that all right?

You said, "we." Methinks you're leaning towards jumping back in. :)

That's personally amusing to me since I'm seriously considering jumping out after the Primary.


A voter may update voter registration information as late as election day and vote in that election.

If a voter has moved from one county in Oregon to another, the voter should fill out a voter registration card and send it to the new county elections office.

If the voter registration card is sent after the 21st day before an election, the voter should call the county elections official to find out how to receive a ballot for that election.

from the online version of the Oregon Blue Book, courtesy of the Secretary of State.

What are the "filing deadlines" at the bottom of that page? And is a change of party affiliation just a change in "voter registration information"? Or is it a whole new "registration"? I seem to remember from my previous Westlund go-around that I couldn't change my affiliation on the eve of the election. Maybe I was mistaken.

Senator Brad Avakian is also running for Secretary of State.

There ya go.

Isn't Westland one of those high-roller bull semen barons?

What are the "filing deadlines" at the bottom of that page?

I would suspect those dates would be for those seeking elected office, but I'm not positive.

I think the 21 day limit probably does apply to changing party affiliation, so the correct ballots can go out. That would be the 16th for the current primary, and (I think) April 29th or 30th (not sure) for the Presidential Primary.

I left the Democratic Party for Ben too.
I'm going to re-join so I can vote for Steve Novick in the primary. Novick and Westlund are very different people, but they are the only two people running for office who have made my heart quicken -- since Gene McCarthy since before I could vote. All smart, knowledgeable, straight-talking, articulate, funny, and I agree with at least 75% of what they say. (As I am unwilling to run myself, I can live with 75%.)

I called Multnomah County elections, the rule is 21 days before the election (to go from being unaffiliated to being in a party so as to be able to vote in the primary). So the 16th of this month if you want to vote in the next election (11/07--just ballot measures I think); March 2008 to vote in the May 2008 primary.

I left the Democrats for Ben, too.

I decided I like it out here. Edwards won't bring me back. I've never, in my entire voting life, voted for the candidate that the majority (or even plurality) of my fellow Democrats selected. I don't think that is going to change. I'm just as well off being a NAWAPP.

Maybe he could run on the Green Party ticket this time and complete the political sampler Quadfecta?

Neither Brad or Vicki are giving up their seats for their SOS run. Neither is rumored candidate Sen. Rick Metsger. Kate Brown is the only one giving up her seat.

Mensa in Spanish means idiot.
(for those in doubt, look it up on http://www.webster.com/).

Maybe the legislature could be mistaken for mensa afterall.

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