They still don't get it

A year after the police brutally killed an unarmed, skinny, mentally ill guy on a Portland street for no good reason, they're still telling the public that we don't understand.
Their problem, of course, is that we've understood all too well, all along.
People are already talking about how the Potter administration will go down in history. The mayor's failure to reform the bad attitudes held by a number of officers in the police bureau, and its crass union leadership, will surely be among the facts noted.
Comments (11)
The problem with what I understand to be the police and coroner's story is the lack of logic. The injuries are supposed to have happened in the initial tackling and fall to the ground - not from the fight that followed. So we're supposed to believe a man with that many broken ribs - with a punctured lung from shattered rib bones - could put up a big fight afterwards, long enough to receive the blows that didn't hurt him from the police. How could a man that hurt fight at all? It makes no sense to me compared to the idea of the ribs being broken while he was down and being kicked. The fact that he could struggle is the proof - to me anyway - that the coroner's opinion is an unrealistic cover story designed to clear the police.
Posted by anonymous | September 17, 2007 9:38 AM
My favorite part:
"In response to a lawsuit claiming excessive use of force, filed by Chasse's family earlier this year, the city attorney's office last month filed a motion to fight the public release of an internal investigation that will determine whether officers violated bureau policy and a training review that could suggest changes to police tactics. Attorneys say they want to protect officers' privacy and that releasing information about tactics could jeopardize public safety"
If we tell you that we're going to kick you a bunch of times when you're lying on the ground, your safety could be in jeopardy. Brilliant!
I hope Steenson et al find a way to bring closure and justice to Chasse's memory and family.
Posted by Kevin | September 17, 2007 9:48 AM
You can read the compendium of public documents and published articles about James Chasse at What Happened to James Chasse
Posted by J Renaud | September 17, 2007 9:50 AM
The new voice command for PPB- "Stop! Or I will say stop again!"...
I would hate to be a cop in this town..
Posted by Jon | September 17, 2007 12:17 PM
I would hate to be a Cop at all.
Posted by meg | September 17, 2007 1:40 PM
I would hate to be a Cop at all.
Well, better hope someone doesnt pull that Florida crap here, because all the cops would be able to do is shout at them without being canned by Potter or sued.
Posted by Jon | September 17, 2007 3:12 PM
"He had 16 broken ribs, a punctured lung and massive internal bleeding."
"The union president said the officers involved in Chasse's death followed their training and used the force necessary to stop a man who was flailing violently."
They were just doing what they were told, following their training, foot soldiers following orders. this is a top down phenomenon and these crimes that keep happening will continue to happen as long as this is what they are instructed to do by those at top who created and permit this mob of thugs to exist.
Posted by Jerry | September 17, 2007 4:33 PM
First they say his fatal wounds all came from being pushed to the ground.
Then they say they were justified in beating and Tasering him on the ground because was "flailing."
But it's not possible that the beating and kicking on the ground is what killed him. Those blows apparently caused no harm at all.
Buy another Starbucks card for Thumper Humphries, boys.
Posted by Jack Bog | September 17, 2007 4:40 PM
There's some kind of memorial near the spot where he was taken down. I hope it's there longer than a day. I didn't have time to stop and see it properly.
Posted by LC | September 17, 2007 5:38 PM
While the truth is yet to be found, I must mention that all mentally ill people are not dangerous....but if your a PSRB patient/client/dangerous to the community and themselfs person living in a group home next to a grade school, I ask you all to research just what and who might be your new "neighbor."
Do you want a PDX cop to softly handle someone guilty but insane of murder,arson or rape, if they seem a bit upset if you ask them to put a little kid down in a neighborhood they walk in unsupervised for 90 minutes.
Posted by Jack Peek | September 18, 2007 8:57 PM
Strange how this is a "DEAD! issue.
Posted by Jack Peek | September 22, 2007 1:36 PM