
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 20, 2007 1:54 PM. The previous post in this blog was Sticker shock. The next post in this blog is Keep the Canadian pennies -- throw away the U.S. ones. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Thursday, September 20, 2007

That which we call SoWhat, by any other name would still smell

We've had a lot of fun calling Portland's South Waterfront district "SoWhat." But today a reader suggested that maybe we should give that joke a rest. After all, "SoWhat" is based on people's reactions to the latest condo jungle, and by now everyone's had ample chance to see it for what it really is and react accordingly.

Now we're moving into a new phase, where condos can't be sold and the city's already tapped itself out on infrastructure. We haven't even started to deal with the sewer issues or the greenway, and there's no money, we're told, for a lot of the goodies that were originally promised.

Why not, the reader suggested, rename the whole district "Bankruptcy Village"?

It would take a while to catch on with the People, but the more they hear about this scam, the more obvious it will become. If someone out there already thought of it, give them the credit. I googled it and nothing came up. If Seattle can have a tram called SLUT, we have to do better with our names. "Bankruptcy Village": Think about it.

Comments (12)

Uh..."Lackofdignity Village"?


"Rising Sewage"?

"Fradulent Flats"?

"Boondoogle Landing"?

"Superfund View"?


"The Other Side of the Tracks"?


"Field of Misguided Ambitions"

"Linchpin Estates"

"Californian Relocation Camp & Retraining Center #43"

"Lac Oparkin"

"Lac Osense"


How about just damn ugly eyesores on what used to be land that supported living wages brought to you by the City of Portland?

Or better yet: The Soulless Towers down by the Ross Island.

Or: Those ugly towers.

Or: Californian Flats?

Looney Landing
Asinine Acres

A-hole Acres?

Now, now. Maybe something like "Flippers' Graveyard"?

or maybe "flopped flips?"

We could take a cue from the French "rive gauche" and "rive droite" and call it the "Right Bankrupt."

I'm liking Indignity Village the more I think about it.


Remember that its official name is the “North Macadam Urban Renewal District”: N.M.U.R.D.

Just put "transit" in there to get: NoMac T.U.R.D. (And it really is a T.U.R.D.)

Or we could drop the Mac and get: NoAdam T.U.R.D.

Who can build on this?


MUCK-ville or MUD-ville
'cause that is what is under the towers...river muck, and when the quake comes they will come a tumblin' down!I don't care how much seismic stuff was built in!

Ghost Towers. South Waterfront Ghost Towers.

How about "Whoa-What?", or "So What", or "SoWhatNow"?

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