
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 5, 2007 5:18 PM. The previous post in this blog was Blogs are "media" -- yay! (I think). The next post in this blog is Grampy's grown a beard. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Another creative class member arrives

When I wrote about the California blogging pedophile who was moving out of state rather than dealing with his crimes down there, I just knew he was coming this way. And sadly, my intuition was right. Hope I don't see him anywhere near my family. I'm sure I'd wind up paying damages for what will be left of his camera. (Via VanPortlander, which BTW just started today.)

Comments (9)

Oi oi oi. I finally agree with you that Californians are the cause of all our troubles. Having said that, a sick piece of crap like this, who is open about his "issues," is probably not the one we should be most worried about.

A problem with him has been that he has used the internet to encourage other pedophiles and to give them advice on where to find kids. The others may not be as benign as he says he is.

L.A. is quite glad to get rid of him, I'm sure.

The police can't do anything about him, but there's no rule out there that local bloggers can't collect info on his whereabouts and post it.

oregon official can follow, keep tabs, and otherwise annoy this guy but citizens are not under those restrictions.

If I see him near a playground, he WILL be leaving, one way or another. And if I see him anywhere near where my daughters are, he's going to rue the day he met me. And I couldn't give a rat's ass about his "civil rights" or "freedom of speech".

What made me both sick and outraged was the media catering to this piece of s**t, and interviewing him like he was a rock star. Absolutely disgusting.

What made me sick was the tape of Sgt Schmautz that I heard on the radio this morning basically agreeing with this meat puppet, saying, yup, Portland's a liberal town, there's not much we can do. Bullsh*t. Child abuse is against the law in this state, and that law is enforced. Quit making excuses and hiding behind the comparatively few examples of marginal behavior being decriminalized here, and do your job.

I agree with the guy I heard on the radio saying they oughta name a street after this perv: "One false move, and you're toast Boulevard."

There is that pesky Measure 11 thing Oregonians voted in, much to the delight of the prison industry. Would a person who caught this disturbing little pervert with his camera near children at a park be charged with assault or robbery or something if the camera was forcefully removed and destroyed in the process of a very brisk ejection ? Gotta wonder...would the authorities look the other way ?

I hope they would look the other way, Cabbie. Last night I showed a photo of the man to my two daughters and told them that if they see him, to tell an adult right away. And if they can, to call Daddy immediately.

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