
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 13, 2007 2:36 AM. The previous post in this blog was With friends like me, foes of 49 don't need enemies. The next post in this blog is Standing pat for now. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, August 13, 2007

Rove is resigning!

End of the month!

Comments (19)

Then the indictment, then the pardon.

And the left will find a new boogyman.

Nine Eleven Op II, the second shoe drops, this coming weekend. Stockpile food, water, gas the car, own a generator.

(Referring to comment here ), Poppy is Mr. Big. Maybe Rove, (who Poppy recruited in 1973), can be dismissed now if it's expected he wouldn't have Cheetah to babysit after 'this.'

BBC news this am says that the chimp's nick name for Carl is "Turd Blossom".
I wonder for whom he will work next.

The present danger, clearly seen and written here, or here.

Rumor has it that Rove will take command of Thompson's 2008 bid to steal the election

I think Rove may have hung on too long. It would have been a smarter and more profitable move for him to have resigned and gone back into the private sector before the Libby pardon. No doubt that the man still has a lengthy career ahead of him somewhere but he leaves with a lot of stink on him.

Carl . . . what do you mean? . . . now that the bogeyman is departing the D's may actually have to govern? No, like you say, they'll find someone else to blame.

"they'll find someone else to blame."

You mean "hate".

As they do Rush, Newt Gingrich, Karl Rove, Dick Chaney, Bill Sizemore, Lars Larson, Bush, Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, Gordon Smith, Don McIntire, Karen Minnis, John Ashcroft, Alberto Gonzolas,,,,,,,,

Al evil while progressives are all good, caring and smart.

Personally, I dont buy the "spend time with my family" stuff. He hasnt spent time with his family in 30 years. Why should he start now?

I heard someone speculate this morning that he may run for President.
God help us all.

Al evil while progressives are all good, caring and smart.

And Hannity/Limbaugh/Larson haven't all created similar bogeymen/women? Please. Quit playing the put upon victim. The Right has been just as effective at building political straw men as anyone.

Amen brother! And, of course, progressives have the purest of motives while no one who disagrees with them could possibly be principled or unselfish. Its not enough to have a sincere disagreement with the Prez (and to articulate that disagreement in a considered and thought- provoking discussion), a true progressive also has to engage in ridicule (i.e. "Chimp") and character assassination to prove his committment to The Cause (whatever that is!). So much for actually advancing the dialogue.

a true progressive also has to engage in ridicule (i.e. "Chimp") and character assassination to prove his committment to The Cause (whatever that is!). So much for actually advancing the dialogue.

yeah, it went too far when Bush labeled entire countries the cartoonish "Axis of Evil". and O'Reilly saying "only treasonous Communists would dare to question our President's plan in Iraq." and that silly guy Cheney, telling a Senator in public to go fu*k himself. and Limbaugh, calling all citizens registered as Democrats "Commie pinkos who hate America and everything it stands for"?

so much for advancing the dialogue.

wait, sorry. you said "progressives."

O'Reilly saying "only treasonous Communists would dare to question our President's plan in Iraq."

Interesting...you got a cite for that?

I wonder for whom he will work next.

He's going to be up to the same s*** as he was before - using any and every means at his disposol to engineer elections for the RNC. Just farther out from the realm of any public scrutiny, if that's even possible. And it probably is.

Of course you all realize that this is really just the final step in Rove's master plan for chimpy McHalaberton to take over the government for all eternity, right?

Rove makes no plans, he is the suck-up.

Here is who he started in sucking up to, Papa Bush as loser Republican Chairman in '73-'74, the Watergate crime scene when no decent honorable person would take the job of GOP apologist -- only a liar would.

And here is how Rove sucked on, being Papa's paid nanny to babysit brain-damaged Junior -- after Poppy and Babs were abysmally sick failures as parents. Sick-o suck-ups could do better.

(June '73 was the month monkey-face Junior went military AWOL, and then deserter. Sept. 16, '73 was when Papa had to get Junior's girlfriend an abortion in a Houston hospital -- Roe v. Wade was Jan. '74. Summer '74 was when Papa excommunicated Junior to CIA outpost along the Alaskan pipeline construction. There's the practices of your 'good parenting' Poppy.)

So he bought Rove. And now he has told Rove to stand back and get clear of the blast, there soon is nothing to babysit anymore. Rove don't design plans, he follows orders.

Handel's "The Messiah" begins playing.

Hey Tenske:

I'm still hunkered down in my basement with Bud, beans and bullets, heeding your warning that the sequel to 9/11 would occur this weekend.

Have you sounded the All Clear yet?

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