
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 15, 2007 1:06 PM. The previous post in this blog was This visit was timely. The next post in this blog is Circle game. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Life in a dying industry

It just gets weirder and weirder.

Comments (11)

Years back Pete Schulberg and Dwight Jaynes tried to keep their jobs as columnists for The O and at the same time go to work for Pamplin's KPAM radio. The O's Rowe/Bahtia said, "no" and told both men to make a choice between the newspaper and KPAM. Both chose KPAM for about 150-thou per year for 5 years.

Why don't these radio folks call me? No conflicts here, heh.

Me neither!

That said, Canzano had a one hour show on KFXX a few years back. It lasted a few months. You've heard of a face for radio? JC has a voice for print.

"I’m surprised The Oregonian's editors, who have such high standards, allowed this."

Heh. Heh heh heh.

What's the big deal? He's a sports columnist. It's not like a NY Times Washington correspondent getting a part time gig at the White House. Although I am a sports fanatic, I recognize the trivial nature of them.

Also, the Seahawks are the closest NFL team and Paul Allen owns them too. That's another conflict.

AS long as he disclosed, that would be OK. You have to give the Blazer's some credit - ce the fall of the Berlin Wall (Whitsitt's firing) they seem to be a little more objective and willing to bear criticism.

AS long as he disclosed, that would be OK.

So when a conflict of interest is exposed, it ceases to exist? Is that in every case, or just this one?

By the way, props to the Willy Week for catching up. The Hallman comparison is truly a classic.

He's not making any decisions. If you expose the conflict of interest, people listening/reading can use their brain to evaluate his opinions.

If you expose the conflict of interest, people listening/reading can use their brain to evaluate his opinions.

So if Hallman had simply notified his bosses, and perhaps his readers, about his arrangement with Wiederhorn, he could have continued on using the parking space? Now that everyone knows about Hallman's arrangement, can he go back to using the space? Or has he never given it up?

There are so many things wrong with this. And the fact that media folks in this town either don't see it or don't care shows what a bunch of milquetoasts we have.

Canzano will be in the same studio that Lars uses? Priceless!

"So if Hallman had simply notified his bosses, and perhaps his readers, about his arrangement with Wiederhorn, he could have continued on using the parking space? Now that everyone knows about Hallman's arrangement, can he go back to using the space? Or has he never given it up?"

I was referring to Canzano. Again, it's sports. Not a big deal, even for those of us who spend too much time following it.

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