
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 30, 2007 12:17 PM. The previous post in this blog was Just what we need. The next post in this blog is Will Ikea pay property taxes?. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, July 30, 2007

The O loves Gordon

Big banner headline today. "Smith... moderate," all on the same line, screaming across the top of the paper. Any doubt they'll endorse him for November '08?

Comments (9)

As much as I dislike Smith, I can't believe you're supporting Novick.

No surprise. The O is a huge lover of all things status quo.

Mr. Novick is advertising here. If he's the Democratic nominee, he'll have my full support. But it's not at all clear yet what's going to happen in the primary.

There is no doubt the O is giving Sen. Smith a big pat on the rear. That lovely handwritten note included in the article brought tears to my eyes. How can any reasoning individual not see what the Senator is doing with his sudden 'about face' on the war weeks after the Nov. election?

No doubt.

So, 'friend of enemy is enemy' -- hate The O equal as hypocritical, the same much war-lovers, Oregon Guard-murderers, as out-of-my-Gourd'o.

The O is happy to be so far up Smith's a*s that you can hear both talking at the same time when Gordito opens his mouth. I've always been astounded at just how slavish is the O's devotion to a pretty mediocre man and really below average senator.

SAT analogy practice --

Stickels : Publishing


Smith : Governing

...we don't call him "Gor-dumb" for no reason at all...

If Novick wins the nomination, the O will definitely endorse Smith. If Merkley wins, it'll be a closer call. But then endorsements matter very little.

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