
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 7, 2007 1:28 PM. The previous post in this blog was Pay as you go. The next post in this blog is "It's Time". Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Saturday, July 7, 2007

Mitt's mutt (story) bites him in the butt

Forget the Mormon thing. Check this out. (Via Snethen.)

Comments (6)

Why do you always take two Mormons with you when you go fishing?
Because if you only take one, he'll drink all your beer.

For the record: I do not condone that kind of comment.

I'm a dog fanatic and I could care less about this dog scandal or whatever it is. I think that are much more serious reasons not to vote for him.

Jack...don't be a tool. If you want to be taken seriously, give this non-story the same credence you would the Edward's $1500 haircut story. You're better than that....I'd hoped. Maybe not.

If you hoped I hadn't noticed how the goons in the Republican Party have ruined this country for the rest of my lifetime, well... sorry to disappoint.

For the record: Todd's joke was pretty funny.

Butch- So when did the $400 haircut become $1500?

From a pro-corporate and deregulation standpoint, Mitt makes Bush seem moderate. What's scary is that Mitt is articulate enough to sell it to your face... plus he has this weird, plastic Manchurian candidate feel to him.

Mitt has courted the NRA vote, stating he has been a "hunter pretty much all my life". If you count once when he was 15 and another last year at a canned hunt at a republican donor's preserve.

I wonder if that little lie would be considered trivial?

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