
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 21, 2007 2:12 PM. The previous post in this blog was You knew it all along. The next post in this blog is Doctors break bad news to Bush. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Saturday, July 21, 2007

Just say no

Look who Bush wants to put on the Third Circuit.

Give me a break.

Comments (18)

Never heard of him. What's wrong with him?

I think you just answered your own question. What qualifications does he have to be a federal appeals court judge -- other than the fact that he's a staunch Republican?

Folks could say the same about Diarmud O' Scanlain. What's your point?

You folks just keep making them for me.

You could say all of that about just about everybody who has ever been appointed.

There's that Bush spirit of excellence talking.

In his defense, he has practiced in BOTH federal AND state court. That's like, at least two totally separate bodies of law. Or at least two separate buildings. Of course, I would have put him on the D.C. Circuit to help with that rehearing of Murphy.

He writes well. And has integrity!

Have you delved into the qualifications of some of the yahoos Ted has appointed? Obviously a stellar resume' is not a prerequisite to be appointed to the bench.

Butch, you seem to have a problem with this concept: This is not a comparative post.

From here on out, let the record state that whatever garbage comes from Bush, Butch says that the Democrats are just as bad, if not worse.

Given that global comment, we won't be needing your individual ones.

And I stand by all the yahoos I appointed!

Whether they lived in their counties or not!

History is usually a predictor of the future. In his short, lamentable history, Bush has appointed one right-wing idealogue after another. No stretch to predict the same of this guy.

Yeshiva College? I have to admit I've never heard of it. What branch of Judaism is it associated with?

Geeesh. Rough crowd today.

No greenie extra credit for being a sticker driving member of the Nature Conservancy? What if it's adhered to a Prius?

I'll bet he never even joined a whites only country club.

I guy can't get a break on this blog.

Generally speaking Jewish Republicans are rare, so I doubt he's some right-wing nutjob. That said, I don't know where you're going to get judicial nominees, unless you take them from the ranks of attorneys. Better ideas welcome, but that's far more work then just blindly criticizing I guess.

How about someone with judicial experience, or at least some legal experience beyond being a team player at a couple of nondescript corporate law firms? This guy is the Harriet Miers of Judaism.

Yeshiva College (the men's undergrad program of Yeshiva University) is a fairly prestigious school, actually. Yeshiva Univeristy is consistently ranked in the top 50 Universities by USN&WR, and has a very good reputation for its undergrad and various grad programs.

I'm not sure what that says about this guy, other than that he's most likely Modern Orthodox (think Joe Lieberman), as that is the University's guiding philosophy. Modern Orthodox Jews do tend to be more conservative than other Jews.

Put him on the 9th Circut with the rest of those oft overturned moonbats...

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