
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 30, 2007 7:35 PM. The previous post in this blog was Uh oh. The next post in this blog is Pork over priniciple. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, July 30, 2007

It can't happen here

Can it?

Comments (11)

Wow, that guy is seriously unhinged.

He reminds me of some folks on the extreme right in 1999 were saying the same thing about Clinton.

His entire argument boils down the the so very compelling evidence of "You think these people will just give up power?"

Moonbat alert!

The Freepers are always a bit unhinged...

If Bush can pull off 911 he can certainly cancell the election.

Too bad the left is anti-gun, we won't be able to fight the heavily armed neocons.

I mean blogging only goes so far and Air America seems to have limitations.

I'm a moonbat myself, but I think this scenario is unlikely. A coup like that would be bad for business, and the monied elite that are the real powers behind the throne know that.

A far greater danger is that the inevitable new Dem administration will be coopted by the same forces, and play "good cop" to Bush's "bad cop" regime, but still working the little guy over.

Those who think this crew will quietly walk away from power are simply not paying attention.

Those who think that the next crew is a different crew than "this crew" are paying even less attention.

Considering the lack of any serious opposition from the Democratic Party to the Bush war agenda, it is clear that they do not represent any threat to the status quo.

But seriously, Bush and Cheney have had their fun. I'm sure they'll be happy to ride off into the sunset and let the Democrats take the blame for "surrender" in Iraq.

If Bush can pull off 911


Y'all need more tin-foil. Try pointing the shiny side up...

If Blackwell lost the election, doesn't that prove it wasn't fixed?

How did Bush steal Ohio, exactly? Baseless charges that offer scant evidence are not going to sway many independent thinkers.

You all have said everything that I was thinking, including bit about "moonbats" and "tinfoil."

The only thing I will add is that it's incredible to me that the left is still trotting out the canard that the Supremes "handed" Bush the election. Their role in "handing" Bush the election was limited to telling the Dems that a selective recount of only heavily Dem counties was not gonna fly, and that if they wanted a recount, they needed to recount votes in all the counties, not just the ones that they cherry-picked.

And the poll workers in which heavily Dem county in Florida were caught trying to spirit ballots away to a private location to "count" them, but unable to because of Republican ruckus over that sneaky move? Sorry, but from what I've seen, the Dems are the ones more likely to try (and succeed) at voter fraud than Republicans. It's been going on in Chicago and in other large Dem-controlled cities for years. And when caught at it, they claim that Republicans are the "real" fraudsters. Incredible.

But I think Himself had it right: The next regime will likely be the same (in substance, anyway) as the current one, with perhaps a different party affiliation. At this point, I think our liberties as a nation would be best served by making sure that neither Hillary! nor Rudy are elected; most of the other candidates seem fairly harmless.

Jack, for you, you've got kids. And you respect credentials of Professor tenure.

Bush Directive for a "Catastrophic Emergency" in America:, by Prof. Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, June 24, 2007.

Allegedly supported by Iran, the terrorists are said to possess nuclear capabilities. They are supposedly planning to explode "radiological dispersion devices" (RDD) or "dirty bombs" in densely populated urban areas in the US.

The sheer absurdity that Al Qaeda might have advanced capabilities to wage a nuclear attack on America is, nonetheless, pervasive in US media reports. Moreover, numerous drills and exercises, simulating a terrorist attack using nuclear devices, have been conducted in recent years, creating the illusion that "the threat is real":

The unexamined tragic presumption of 'US media' is that (their) business-as-usual workday prestige and secure locations, means to them that they are above the fray and not personally affected or their lives threatened -- by the implications of the news they don't report, and the implications they don't draw. Some hope that 'US media' might see soon, and provide others to see it CAN happen here, the recipe is already written and circulating, the commands given, and media employees are unspared from forced relocation to existing concentration camps if not shot dead at their first resistance.

"They seek to ... impose a brutal new order on unwilling people, much as Nazis and communists sought to do in the last century. This enemy will accept no compromise with the civilized world...." (President George W. Bush, CENTCOM Coalition Conference, May 1, 2007)

Who 'they' is remains unexamined and unreported in the media, yet media properties and the internet, and the people of information, are the targets 'they' first eliminate in the practice drills being conducted.

In an interview in December 2003, which was barely mentioned in the US media, General Franks outlined a scenario, which would result in the suspension of the Constitution and the installation of military rule in America:

"[A] terrorist, massive, casualty-producing event [will occur] somewhere in the Western world - it may be in the United States of America - that causes our population to question our own Constitution and to begin to militarize our country in order to avoid a repeat of another mass, casualty-producing event." (General Tommy Franks Interview, Cigar Aficionado, December 2003)

Franks was obliquely alluding to a "Second 9/11" terrorist attack, which could be used to galvanize US public opinion in support of a military government and police state.

Embedded links to supporting documentation and broader discussions in the website article have not been provided here. Go there.

Jack, not CAN? it happen here. It IS HAPPENING here. It goes on ...

Under the existing legislation, a code red alert would trigger conditions for the "temporary" suspension of the normal functions of civilian government. Several functions of civilian administration would be closed down, others could be transferred to the jurisdiction of the military. More generally, the procedure would disrupt government offices, businesses, schools, public services, transportation, etc.

According to (former) Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge (22 Dec. 2003):

"If we go to [code] Red ... it basically shuts down the country."

In which case, a national emergency is declared, Northern Command deploys its forces on air, land and sea. Several functions of civilian government are transferred to NORTHCOM headquarters, which already has the structures which enable it to oversee and supervise civilian institutions.

Code red alert would suspend civil liberties, including public gathering and/ or citizens' protests against the Administration's decision to declare martial law.

The emergency authorities would also have the authority to exert tight censorship over the media and would no doubt paralyze the alternative news media on the internet.

In turn, code red alert would trigger the "civilian" Homeland Emergency response system, including the DHS' Ready.Gov instructions, the Big Brother Citizen Corps, not to mention the USAonWatch and Neighborhood Watch Program which have a mandate to "identify and report suspicious activity in neighborhoods" across America.

As I claim success at having predicted 9/11 twenty-four hours in advance, calling it a 'fire or explosion happening today' -- completely naive to its extenuations but apprised of its magnitude by the stars involved -- and having since that time studied to inform myself at large and time-past extent of the historic wherewithal and of whose interests were manifest in 9/11, I feel responsible and qualifed to 'guess' aloud, for all who may come to hear, that the planets and stars pattern of the nine-eleven magnitude, is repeated eight-eighteen. In my estimation, 'fire or explosion' is understatement of it.

That's less than three weeks from now.

A mass-organized countrywide work-stoppage strike and civilian 'shutdown,' focussed in calling on Congress to convene to impeach, during the days of 8/15 - 8/20, (effectively a '5-day weekend'), seems to me the best and possible effort to waylay what I see as the gravest of threatening danger to all America, democracy, and world humankind.

May we hope and pray I am wrong.


Think it will happen? Care to make a wager? I'll even give you odds. How's this: if the 2008 elections are cancelled or the results voided as of 1/21/09, I'll pay you $100. If not, you pay me $10.

You got my e-mail; it's active.

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