
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 24, 2007 1:41 AM. The previous post in this blog was Fight clubs, slave tunnels, and gambling dens. The next post in this blog is Another "Welches stolen truck" con man sighting. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Hot coals

It's the day that so many have waited so long for -- the semi-annual bar exam, here in Oregon and all over the country. Good luck to all the test takers out there who are undergoing the ordeal today and tomorrow.

Comments (12)

Thanks for the offering of good luck...I think I need a miracle. Maybe I'll just put my head in a vice and avoid Day 2.

You can do it Brendan - I was there last year and somehow pulled through.

One bit of advice: stop surfing the blogs, go for a brisk walk to freshen up, and then go kick some ass.

The real fun this year is that the Bar Exam site is across the street from Ikea and the second day of the exam and opening day of Ikea coincide. I have a friend taking it who lives in SW PDX but is staying at the hotel so he doesn't have to deal with the insane traffic.

I stayed out in a hotel room when I took it six months ago. It's just one less factor to have to contend with.

Of course, I wasn't worried about failing, going in armed with all the tax knowledge Jack imparted to us. (Which did in fact come in handy on the two part tax essay they threw at us.)

Just got home about a half hour ago from day 1. My writing arm has never been so sore. And can you believe they didn't even have the common courtesy to ask a tax question? Though that in no way lessens the enjoyment I experienced in Jack's BarBri lecture.

Nothing but multiple choice questions standing between me and a license to practice law.

Get good food, good sleep (the weather's perfect for that). And don't forget that you are likely going to have to deal with unprecedented Ikea traffic tomorrow morning!

Ted didn't note that note only was there not a tax question, but there were the equivalent of two ethics questions, in addition to the MPRE in February. Would you old farts stop screwing up so much so that we can get some standard questions?
Oh, and the Civ Pro question was discovery; not one wink about jurisdiction or service.
Methinks that the state Bar is in a war with BarBri to make the review classes worthless. The Bar asks a Big Subject question, but then hunts out a totally obscure area to focus on. Lucky us testtakers. :-)
6 more hours...

As a lawyer who has taken and passed 5 (yes, 5!) bar exams, I can tell you that it's never as hard as you think it will be.

If you did the time studying, you'll pass. And if you spent your bar prep time online, farting around on the internet...well, probably not.

And Oregon's bar is not that hard. Wyoming's is much tougher: 24 minutes per essay to read, write, and analyze.

Maybe I'll just put my head in a vice and avoid Day 2.

If it's pain you're lookin' for...

try a vise.

Actually, I know some vices that are pretty good at causing pain...

But, can you "put your head in (them)...?

Actually, don't answer that.

Haha, whoops. I meant exactly what I said...no details necessary.

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