
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 11, 2007 2:23 PM. The previous post in this blog was Bush Outrage of the Day (so far). The next post in this blog is You thought Keizer had a problem?. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Driving to Seattle next month?

No you aren't.

Comments (10)

Man, I love the Amtrak Cascades....

I second that. I have only driven to Seattle twice in 8 years. All my other trips are via Amtrak.

Thanks for lowering yourself to talk to us horrible people who drive cars.

Wow. I'm glad our baseball tickets are for the 4th.

Thanks for the heads up on the road closure of I-5 Jack! We have weekend tickets for all Mariners home games and I'm really glad now we traded some of the August game tickets off for the early August Red Sox series.

Yep. Going up with the whole fam-damily to see my first MLB game -- playing the Twins.

Thanks for the heads up, Jack. Looks like we'll be leaving extra early that day.

leaving extra early that day.

If it were me, I'd forget about I-5 and take the train. I'm not sure leaving early is going to do it. Unless you mean "early," as in "now."

Book your train tickets, folks. That train sells out every now and again.

Gee you suppose some Seattleites would vote for a light rail line about now?

Greg C

Thanks for that info, Jack. Sure didn't want to hear that. I have to horse 50' of car and trailer into a boat show in Lake Union on the 10th. And if I didn't think that was going to be fun before this announcement.....

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