
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 31, 2007 10:15 PM. The previous post in this blog was OMSI debt cancellation may not go through. The next post in this blog is Here's a prominent mass transit fan. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Do I dare believe my eyes?

The state AG's office digging into one of the weekly scams at the Portland Development Commission? Unheard of.

Comments (3)

The cynical side of me says that this is just for show.
However the other cynical side of me wonders if it has really gotten so bad that even Oregon's AG can no longer ignore it.

Good to see Ryan Frank's byline --along with Anna Griffith's-- still showing up on interesting stories.

On a fundamental level, it seems if you're a non-profit in need of revenue, you don't allow only board-member insiders to bid on the sale of your property. That just seems bad policy on it's face, regardless of the motivations of the individuals involved.

If the AG were serious he would declare the local auditor slot vacant and color all action/inaction as suspect from May 2006 forward as a consequence of electoral violations, even if for no other reason. Fat chance.

PDC's claims of somehow being able to assert against the City Auditor ANY exemptions found in state law for public records requests made on public bodies by non-public bodies (citizens) is wholly inapplicable.

Selectivity is the order of the day . . . or is that week.

The AG still has a McGruff The Crime Dog view of scrutiny . . . . a Public Service Announcement now and then that makes for good PR -- here against a minority to show colorblindness I suppose. Their target here is too low on the Totem pole to start naming names of higher ups and the nitty gritty details so as to unravel the whole of systemic internal corruption.

Meanwhile the City Council is today going to give 950,000 to the non-profit Portland Schools Foundation for housing price-support related stuff . . . stuff for which a drop in price to meet the market would more than accommodate and benefit a broader class . . benefit more poor non-freehold folks than just those that are selectively granted scraps in return for a pledge of expressing some gratitude or fealty. (Agenda item 949, intertwined with 950 and 951).

The beat goes on. One of Amanda's anti-Rich-White-Male diatribes might accurately describe the principal class of beneficiaries generally but not inform the cause or remedy. No non-profit can be imbued with any greater non-profitness than that which it obtains from it's incorporators or controlling members.

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