
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 19, 2007 8:33 AM. The previous post in this blog was All rise. The next post in this blog is Let the sunshine in. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Thursday, July 19, 2007

Behind closed doors with Nasty Dick

The super-duper-top secret list of people who met with the 2001 energy task force run by the megalomaniacal psychopath also known as the Vice President of the United States is now finally public, thanks to a leak. It was mostly all oil people, of course, with some environmentalists herded in for window dressing toward the end. Nobody's surprised. All the secrecy was apparently for its own sake -- to show everybody who the boss was.

Great job you've done with the country and the world, boss! Nothing but right calls on energy and the environment ever since. America's future is rosier than ever. Fred Thompson for President!

But hey -- interesting sidelight: One of the people who was granted an audience with the wizard was Bill Nesmith of the Oregon Department of Energy. That office has always creeped me out. The whole Oregon House delegation was in there at one point, too. Earl -- you devil!

Comments (13)

Ok, I'll bite, why does ODOE creep you out? And isn't it a good thing if someone with the title of Assistant Director in the Conservation division meets with Darth Cheney, even if he's unable to overcome the Dark Lord's commitment to more as the solution to all energy questions (drill more/mine more/grab more . . . )?

Only about 1/3 of the list are oil company reps. The other 2/3 rep environmental orgs, renewable energy interests, scientists, etc. Pretty diverse group IMO. Much more so than most suspected.

Many of the entries don't have any "Date of Meeting", looks like they didn't even get in the door.

Now if we can only get the secret list of people who met with Hillary Clinton behind closed doors in 1993 to develop her national health care plan, we'll be all set.

Maybe I'm missing something but The whole Oregon House delegation had no date of attending. Who is this mystery man Bill Nesmith?

But ... the 'meeting' with secret unnamed participants he went to the far-out Supreme Court extent to keep secret, met in May, 2001. Is that not so?

Be as it may be, all that 'energy conspirit' -- 'they' get it, 'you' don't, and the affront of them has been coached and uniform in its 'stiff upper lip' show of 'feeling your pain' ... and making no move of relief, (see: FEMA stiff-upper-lipping Katrina), all it may be, water over the levee, so to speak; now, if we could have the names, hiding behind the Associated Press report of "16 Texas oilmen and wives," who were submarine joyriding off Hawaii, at US military expense -- "hey, that's ours," undercutting the schooled lives of several Japanese teenagers, Feb. 2001. (Factoid by the way, Halliburton Ocean Operations got that 'recovery' no-bid contract.)

About the same time our military super-duper-special-secret spy plane in Chinese air space, crash landed.

Only about 1/3 of the list are oil company reps.


read the list carefully and closely. ignore the "classifications"; for example, you'll find a lobbyist from Dow Chemical under "Consumer Groups", all but one of "Canadian Interest Groups" are oil people, and most all under "Company/Trade Association Meetings" are oil and other fossil fuel people.

Jack's got it right--most are oil men. in fact, oil companies got several representatives in at a time.

and if you think these meetings were balanced in terms of time, you're in for a surprise.

"in fact, oil companies got several representatives in at a time."

Big deal, so did environmental groups, energy efficiency groups, Canadian interest groups and most of the rest of them. As for Dow Chemical, if you actually utilize your reading prowess, you'll see that their representative was there on behalf of 12 companies representing commercial energy consumers.

I don't see what the big deal is. Cheney met with a swath of folk from the energy industry to discuss energy policy. big whup.

As for the Canadian Interest Groups, can you explain to me how all but one of the following are "oil people": The Canadian Electrical Association, BC Hydro, Hydro Quebec, and Nova Scotia Power. Oh...because most of their employees put gas in their cars to drive to work and the hydroelectric plant?

You're right. Cheney's a great vice president, secret energy policy meetings with his cronies were a great idea, obsessing about their secrecy was well worth it, everybody got a chance to express their opinion, and Cheney kept the best interests of America at heart at all times. He's a saint.

So, if Cheney were going to have meetings regarding the beef industry, should a majority of the envitees be cattle ranchers and beef retailers, or vegans, vegetarians, and ALF and PITA members?

As for this policy of secrecy...in this instance I don't agree with it, but I understand the principle behind it.

And yes, that was no mispelling...I meant "PITA"....and in the pocket-bread people.

And ALF is the furry puppet on that tv show?


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