
On this early morning five years ago, this blog was born. I entered a post on Blogger, and went back a couple of times to marvel that yes, it was really there. Who knew where it was going? I didn't.
Still don't, in fact. Anyway, it's been a fun five years. Thanks for being here.
Comments (12)
Thanks should be going in your direction. It's constructive. It's informative. It's provocative. It's addictive. All in all, just remarkable.
Posted by Allan L. | July 6, 2007 6:42 AM
Allan nailed it, Jack. Its also nice to have a place to discuss things without being banned just because you are conservative, or liberal, or whatever.
Posted by Jon | July 6, 2007 7:22 AM
I very much concur. A nice rest stop for us who are outside all the camps.
Posted by Troy Wittren | July 6, 2007 8:58 AM
I betcha you beat DiMaggio's record of 56 straight days with a hit.
Congrats, and keep 'em coming.
Posted by teacherrefpoet | July 6, 2007 10:22 AM
If you printed all your entries with graphics and the comments into a bound book, I wonder how many pages it would be?
Posted by Travis | July 6, 2007 10:52 AM
That time your server lost the archives was downright depressing. Fortunately you were able to get them back and press on. This is a very valuable piece of the history of Portland, and a true glimpse into life as it was really lived around here. Plus, it's fun.
Thanks for your contribution, Jack.
Posted by anonymous | July 6, 2007 11:05 AM
Thanks for sharing your insight with s Jack. I don't always agree, I rarely comment, but I enjoy your insight and fire.
Posted by Tejas | July 6, 2007 12:01 PM
My conservative friends think the Big O is a liberal rag. My liberal friends think it's a conservative rag. We don't mention WW. But no one, not a single one, rags on this blog. Rave yes, rag no. Keep up the common sense Jack.
Posted by Mark Holady | July 6, 2007 12:22 PM
Thank you, all. Mark, there are raggers on both sides here as well. All part of the game, I think.
Posted by Jack Bog | July 6, 2007 12:43 PM
One man's ragger is another man's brilliant analyst of the situation.
As for me, I am glad that this forum
(including the comments added to (or subtracting from) Jack's posts, which together make it much more than the sum of it's parts) is still online.
Especially since I thought the host was considering pulling the plug on this blog... ...glad that it is still here.
Here's to five more years.
Posted by Harry | July 6, 2007 3:13 PM
I've thoroughly enjoyed Jack's and (almost) everyone else's contributions.
Happy anniversary, and many more!
Posted by John Rettig | July 6, 2007 6:13 PM
Posted by Frank Dufay | July 7, 2007 5:52 AM