
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 29, 2007 2:22 AM. The previous post in this blog was The morning after. The next post in this blog is Was this their one and only shot?. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Friday, June 29, 2007

Voter-Owed Elections: Better than daytime TV

Vladimir: "Broussard was the mastermind -- he blackmailed me into doing it."

Emilie: "I'm still here."

Judge: "Ms. Boyles, before you testify again, I think you'd better get a lawyer."

Emilie: "Good idea, Judge."

Jurors: "I knew I should have called in sick."

Opie: "You see? The system is working."

Fireman Randy: "Can't wait to get mine!"

Comments (8)

If every graft seeking back room dealer faced an upper limit of 150 public dollars per personally obtained signature it might slow them down.

Rename deals Voter Owned Graft.

That Boyles is some piece of work - she "gave him a script for pastors to read that encouraged parishioners to give $5 of their tithe to her campaign."

In other words, give your money to me, not your church! Nice.

Gary Blackmer: "Is this thing on?"

Susan Francois: "Are nuns allowed to swear?"

Amanda Fritz: "I don't see the problem."

Chris Smith: "To me, being on the City Council would be a real job."

Jack, perhaps you should offer Emilie Boyles an "up close and personal" interview to "tell her side of the story" kind of like Extra on The E Channel. She's dumb enough and self-absorbed enough to accept the offer, so then you could really lambaste her on your blog. Of course, she may try to exert her feminine charms upon you to win over a favorable interview, but I trust you can resist temptation if she shows up wearing something low cut and sequined (like you might get at the gift shop at Twitty City or Dollywood in Nashville) and whispers in your ear, "Mmmmmmm...For the good of Jack Bog."


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