Mystery mail
A reader out Hillsboro way has a question. She's been getting flyers in her mail attacking her state representative in the Legislature, Chuck Riley. They're coming from unnamed folks who are opposed to the pending "fix" in the Legislature for Ballot Measure 37, the still highly 2004 controversial property rights initiative. She says she's gotten two of these, the second of which looks like this:

She writes:
I have no particular objection to receiving direct mail that I disagree with as far as the expressed political opinion, I simply wish to know who is sending it. I haven’t scanned the reverse of the mailer, however it is essentially the same, except for my name, home address and a return address of PO Box 2619 Salem, Oregon.I have been saying for a while that the idea of significantly altering Measure 37 is a political third rail, and although I admire the courage of the legislators who are trying to do it, some of them are going to lose their positions on account of it. I hope the Democrats in Salem are getting their agenda through, because their control over the State House could turn out to be short-lived.
Anyway, if anyone out there can enlighten our correspondent as to who her new pen pals might be, I'm sure she'd appreciate hearing about it.
Comments (4)
As to the mysterious PO Box 2619 in Salem,, the Oregon Local Grocery Committee PAC (a Section 527 group) reported that on October 20, 2005 it gave $5000 to a PAC at that address. The PAC was named "Majority 2006."
The current filing for Majority 2006 with the secretary of state shows it with a Silverton address, being run by a Donna Butler.
Posted by Isaac Laquedem | May 14, 2007 1:48 PM
Thanks for the information. Here's what an article on "Blue Oregon" states:
"Majority 2006 and the Speakers' PAC exist to help elect Republican candidates. But with PACs supporting candidates with the PAC money controlled solely by the house leaders, these leaders can stack the deck and exert tremendous control over the rank and file representatives. It's kind of like Texas politics, Oregon style.
A review of campaign finance documents filed with the Secretary of State shows how closely these PACs are linked. The Speakers' PAC, Majority 2006 and the Minnis campaign committee, 'Friends of Karen Minnis' all have the same address and all have the same treasurer, Donna Butler. The payrolls are mixed, the consultants are the same, some money appears to go back and forth between the PAC's and sometimes the candidates they support are the same, such as Andy Olson."
Wayne Scott also has his hand in this mix. Wasn't he Minisses campaign manager?
I want to know WHY these folks are unwilling or afraid to let the public know WHO they are and what political leanings are in play here, when they send out these direct mailers Seems only fair.
Posted by n.a. smith | May 14, 2007 3:55 PM
Keep It Straightforward Simple: Who hides truth is liar.
Now you know WHY.
And there are the names of WHO -- Minnis, Scott, Butler, Republicans: all LIARS.
But don't take my word for it, ask them (when you catch them not in hiding) and they'll prove they lie by denying so.
Posted by Tenskwatawa | May 14, 2007 8:45 PM
I have been saying for a while that the idea of significantly altering Measure 37 is a political third rail, and although I admire the courage of the legislators who are trying to do it, some of them are going to lose their positions on account of it.
I really, really hope this doesn't happen--although voters would probably rather not admit to the mistake they made in voting for this thing rather than acknowledge the gumption it takes to address it. Human nature ya know.
Posted by jimbo | May 15, 2007 7:19 AM