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May 31, 2007 9:03 PM.
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Comments (13)
Labron is The One. (geeky Matrix reference)
Posted by butch | May 31, 2007 9:10 PM
Detroit's going to win the next two, then get splattered by the Spurs in five or six.
Posted by | May 31, 2007 9:34 PM
This was truly LeBron's coming out party. 48 points and the last 25 points scored by Cleveland across the 4th quarter and two overtimes. That was stuff of NBA legends of the likes of Russell, Chamberlain, Walton, Magic, Bird and Jordan.
Cleveland closes it out in game six at home on Saturday. Heck, they almost won both games one and two at Detroit. So it is no real surprise for them to take this one.
But, in a nod to ecohuman, they still get "splattered" by the dominant Spurs in the finals.
Posted by hilsy | May 31, 2007 10:09 PM
If LeBron can shoot like Kobe, why was he passing the ball so much in previous games. He truly made some Kobesque shots tonight.
Posted by Gil Johnson | May 31, 2007 10:14 PM
Good thing he doesn't need much of a coach.
Posted by Jack Bog | May 31, 2007 10:24 PM
Every game in this series has been incredibly tight. It has almost made me a fan of the NBA again.
Posted by Travis | May 31, 2007 10:29 PM
It was something else to watch, that's for sure.
I loved how LeBron came back with the 3-point shot after Webber's 2 + free throw.
What a game. Kobe only wishes he could be like LeBron. LeBron is a team player. Kobe's just a ball hog.
LeBron is a huge reason why they were in the playoffs last year and this year.
Posted by Jenni Simonis | June 1, 2007 12:34 AM
L.J. was banged up, too. He screwed up a finger on the rim or the net, and they were still spraying stuff on it through the second overtime. And he took an awkward spill in the middle of his huge outpouring in the second half -- screwing up his back. He could barely move, yet he kept going for a grand total of 50+ minutes of playoff basketball. Amazing.
Posted by Jack Bog | June 1, 2007 12:42 AM
I agree Jack, I have rarely been so enthralled by a basketball game that did not involve a team I really cared about. That was amazing. They knew he was coming, yet they couldn't stop him.
Posted by David | June 1, 2007 12:58 AM
Happenstance left me alone at home with the "big TV" all to myself. I was meant to see that game.
LeBron is clearly The Man of these playoffs. The Cavs still have to win one more, and Detroit took games 6 and 7 against them last year. But if the rest of his team can just keep it close until the fourth quarter, James can take it from there. He is on a mission, and he puts guys like Tracy McGrady to shame with his talent, focus, and energy.
Posted by Jack Bog | June 1, 2007 1:02 AM
I would give up the number 1 pick and Zack and what ever else they want for Lebron.
Posted by todd | June 1, 2007 6:40 AM
James played tremendously well, but Cleveland's win hung on a couple of three-pointers--and had to foul like mad to get the win. i think there's a story hidden in the stats:
Detroit had far less fouls (27 to 36); two Cleveland starters fouled out. in fact, Cleveland made almost twice as many fouls as any other game this series.
Detroit soundly outrebounded them, especially defensively.
Detroit shot a better free throw %.
Detroit was ahead more game minutes than behind.
Cleveland made over twice as many 3-pointers as Detroit.
James attempted 33 shots, over three times more than any teammate and almost twice as many as any opponent.
James played almost 10 minutes more than any other Cleveland starter, and the most minutes of all players except Billups.
i'm sure looking forward to the Finals this year for a change.
Posted by | June 1, 2007 7:04 AM
I wouldn't be at all surprised to see Det win games 6 and 7. I think the Pistons will mutiny on Flip 'No changes needed' Saunders and finally make the other Cavs beat them.
I loved watching LBJ last night, but the Spurs must be laughing somewhere at how badly coached these two teams are.
Posted by Sebastian | June 1, 2007 8:12 AM