
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 8, 2007 2:28 PM. The previous post in this blog was Wanna get away?. The next post in this blog is No substitute for experience. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Another kind of hunting accident

I don't know if you've been following the D.C. Madam story, but if haven't been, you probably will be soon.

Comments (15)

You know, I read Madsen's book, "Jaded Tasks". And it was pretty good. But I was reading on his page there about the French election, and how its part of the "Globalist Neocon Agenda", and I have to say, I think he's off his meds.

As for this whole "Hookergate" thing now outing Cheney...all I can say is "who cares?" Its just Monica all over again. Trying to keep our minds off the real issues. I mean seriously...who gives a crap?

I prefer the story below:

"Bush insinuated that the Queen [of England] was over 230 years old when he stated she had helped celebrate America's Bicentennial in 1776. The Queen was heard to have uttered the words, "Oh dear." Bush then winked at the Queen who was not amused by the president's antics."

It's ridiculous on so many levels. The queen’s over 230, the Bicentennial was in 1776, the wink. I hope it's true.

Trying to keep our minds off the real issues. I mean seriously...who gives a crap?

i agree--why should Clinton's extramarital affair be pounced on by the media and opposing party who'd like him impeached?

oh wait, sorry. wrong story.

I hope it's true.

Oh, it's true.

But Bob, if you're going to use the italics, please turn them off by using "{/i}", not another "{i}". Substituting > for }. Thanks.

Looking forward to hearing the talking point on this one. Actually Hannity has been laying down cover fire on this one for a few weeks now. Ten years after Monica, cheating on your wife is no big deal.

I think Chris is on to something, it does exlpain why Hannity has been working so hard to downplay this whole thing.

Jon, you gotta think of it like nailing Al Capone for tax evasion.

You also gotta love that the first guy to go down for this was in charge of AIDs prevention programs, emphasizing monogamy and especially avoiding prostitutes. As Jon Steweart says they make his job waaay too easy:-)

But he probably got better value for his money than if he'd spent it on a haircut.

Yeah, so illegally Cheney frequents prostitutes. And he's an inveterate liar. And he's a person of interest, and to many studious readers the prime suspect plainly guilty, in the unsolved case of mass murder, (in Nine Eleven Op).

So, what's the big deal, nobody's perfect?

(Well, except for, perhaps Wayne Madsen -- I have yet to find any instance where he got his facts wrong or false, in his daily reporting, going on several years now.)

If the little guy (AIDS prevention guy) goes down for this, Cheney should not be given a pass (if he's involved).

As for this whole "Hookergate" thing now outing Cheney...all I can say is "who cares?" Its just Monica all over again. Trying to keep our minds off the real issues. I mean seriously...who gives a crap?

Hey - does this mean we can impeach Cheney already?

This story underscores the fact that (regarding the news reporting) the problem is never what they tell you...It's almost always what they don't tell you that's the problem whether the news source is the mainstream media, Rush, Lars, Hannity or anybody else on a soapbox.
Personally I don't care who frequents what. Now if that person were to appropriate tax money for the DC Madam...Now that's a problem.

This all seems a bit far-fetched to me. Some of the stuff on that blog is untrue, like the claim that when Bush asked back in 1991 which of the Queen's children was the black sheep of the family, she told Bush to mind his own business. She told him no such thing; she refused to answer him. So I'm not sure where this guy is getting these wild stories.

As for the bit about Cheney, I'll believe it when I see some evidence. And a crackpot with a blog is not evidence.

And besides, it's just about sex...isn't that what the Clinton apologists have been telling us for years?

"Bush insinuated that the Queen [of England] was over 230 years old when he stated she had helped celebrate America's Bicentennial in 1776. The Queen was heard to have uttered the words, "Oh dear." Bush then winked at the Queen who was not amused by the president's antics.

Not exactly. Anyone actually hear what he said? I did. He caught himself halfway thru 1776 and said 1976. It was a typical Bush-speak moment. Nothing more.

It is just me, but it is unbelievable to me that voices raise, who have internet access who pretend not to know Bush is a corrupt cretin, and complicit in mayhem and murder, and, full fools, they defend him. Abominable.

Wayne Madsen Report (dotCOM) advances the story today (May 10), citing a "third source" confirming Cheney calls for prostitutes and the crime-harboring ABC/Disney operation covers-up despicable Cheney; ABC-TV is LYING to everyone they can get to watch their treason. As you tune in to ABC, and send you monthly money for your cable TV subscription which pays ABC a percentage, be reminded you are listening to and more funding America's traitor nazis.

Just saying ... the commenting voices here, disparaging Wayne Madsen, should have their faces rubbed in the fact that reporters have sources, and you can challenge the truth of news reports you refuse to believe, take your prosecution to court, and get satisfaction that real people supply real facts to reporters. In contrast with hit-and-run opinion streakers who lock their minds with the air-puffed fairy tale their juvenile retardation can handle but not the truth. I realize the commenting voices here are not going to come back, and stand up, and debate, and offer facts for the furtherance of truth ... since they don't go there.

Seeing they don't come back, shows other comment readers that the runaways are the apathetic stupid losers.

Others, (actual truth seekers), might look to find reporter George Seldes' book, 'Witness to a Century.' In it, discover much more that the massmind media censored and denied and lied to the American people, which actually happened in the 20th Century and Seldes its eye-witness.

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