
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 9, 2007 5:30 AM. The previous post in this blog was Arrest in Belmont Market shooting. The next post in this blog is Erroneous Statement of the Week. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Friday, March 9, 2007

Why O why?

I haven't seen O reporter Anna Griffin's byline in months. And the O City Hall blog is showing a flat EKG. Anybody know what's going on over there?

UPDATE, 6:49 a.m.: Griffin's still around, and the blog restarted at a new address just the other day.

Comments (13)

I was *just about* to write a post on MB asking the very same thing...! I've fired off an email to Anna asking her what's up.

There was a line in yesterday's In Portland saying that they'll be resuscitating the blog now that the new software's finally in place.

Great minds think alike.

Did you see Amanda Fritz's post about an Anna Griffin blog entry? Looks like the City Hall blog has moved here:


Thanks for the link, Heidi. You would think that they'd post a forwarding link at the old place, or even have the server automatically redirect visitors to the new place, but hey, this is Oregon Live.

FYI, the blog accepts comments now.

Anna was off having a baby.

Ryan got tired of the awful blog software he was using.

Ryan got tired of the awful blog software he was using.

Hear hear...

FYI, the blog accepts comments now.

It didn't as of yesterday. The "login" button didn't actually do anything.

FYI, the blog accepts comments now.

They've said this 10 times over the years. They've never worked.

OK, I browbeat Ryan into putting up a forwarding link (is joke, Ryan!). And the comments worked fine for me a few minutes ago.

Mark Friesen
online editor
The Oregonian

Please. I can't get through to either the old blog or the new one at the moment -- server problems?

I just managed to get through, logged in, and left a comment, which promptly disappeared.

Truly pitiful.

After several minutes, my comment is now visible. If there's going to be that kind of delay, you had better let the commenter know. Otherwise, you'll get lots of multiple posts of the same comment.

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