
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 26, 2007 1:43 AM. The previous post in this blog was Forgive us our trespasses, as we rub your nose in them. The next post in this blog is A visit to SoWhat. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, March 26, 2007

The mesquite chips were a nice touch

This would never be tolerated in Portland. For one thing, he didn't buy a carbon offset.

Comments (19)

New T-shirt for the Houston cops: "Choke 'em and smoke 'em."

An old friend of mine is studying to be a mortician in Houston, in a really, really bad area of town. The place was a hellhole before Katrina wiped out most of New Orleans, and things have really gone downhill ever since the Ninth Ward's inhabitants moved to town. He is a great guy, family man and all that, but, well...morticians develop that stereotypically warped sense of humor. He says that there is never any shortage of "material" to work with whatsoever these days. I'll have to run this one by him...

I think True Crime has just met the Food Network. The obvious choice of host would have to be Tony Bourdain, author of Kitchen Confidential.

Choke 'em and smoke 'em.

He was a cop?

Kitchen Confidential was a GREAT read.

An environmentally sensitive killer would have stuffed her body down an oil well for future generations to burn.

This is a tragic and twisted event.

I tried to BBQ a 7 pound roast, the smell was awful.

It's the 2007 version of Alfred Hitchcock's "Rear Window" starring Jimmy Stewart.

Wasn't there a guy in Aloha-a few years back- who did something similar with his wife?

"Wasn't there a guy in Aloha-a few years back- who did something similar with his wife?"

Yep. Lived about a mile from me and yes this is a nice neighborhood. The guy died in jail.

Wonder what kind of wine goes with "girlfriend"?


But wouldn't a red go better?

Good to see the obligatory "...he was a nice normal guy" statement by the neighbor. Just another reminder to watch out for the quiet ones.

I thought the screenwriter touch was when he told suspicious neighbors that he was cooking for a wedding.

cooking for a wedding


When it was first thought that Tynesha Stewart's body had been disposed of in a dumpster, the Harris County sheriff’s office made an unexpected announcement: that there would be no search of the landfills. Too costly, too time-consuming, no guarantee that a body would be found.

For Stewart's family, who hoped for a recovery of the body for a proper burial, the burning of her corpse was certainly more bad news. For Harris County, which had quickly secured $500,000 to reverse a PR blunder that was rapidly metastasizing into a high profile, racially divisive political firestorm, it was a welcome, if gruesome, development.

Oops, I forgot to make a joke. Hmm. Rats. I got nothing here. If only she had been molested by a priest.

I know I'm going to come off sounding like a pr*ck here, but I can't believe we're joking about a 19-year old college student who was murdered, dismembered and then burned... and believe me, I'm as politically incorrect as they come. I just can't stop thinking that this is someone's daughter.

Jack, I'm sure you knew this comment was gonna come from somebody...

Generally, murder is not funny. 99.9 percent of the time, it's not acceptable to make a joke about a murder. But for me, this fit into the 0.1 percent category. Apologies to those whom it offended.

I was deeply offended.

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