
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 8, 2007 1:51 AM. The previous post in this blog was Maybe they could fill in for a couple of hours on the ring toss. The next post in this blog is The Rose City on the big screen again. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Thursday, March 8, 2007

Smells familiar

That new, improved Oregon legislature continues to underwhelm.

Comments (5)

"smells familiar"...sort of like that dog poop you get on the bottom of your shoe and can never quite get rid of...

Kevin, think "subtle."

I hear ya... I might need to take an anger management course to get me through to the next election cycle if they keep this up.

While I agree with the sentiment, one pet peeve I have is when "the legislature" gets blamed for something, rather than the individuals who comprise that body. The Oregonian did this last week in their editorial blasting "the legislature" for failing to get to a deal.

Why not name names? Is Ferrioli the villain or the hero of this story? Should the Democratic leadership stand strong on their proposal, or should they compromise in order to get GOP votes?

Should the Democratic leadership stand strong on their proposal, or should they compromise in order to get GOP votes?

Depends on whether they're really behind the idea of a Rainy Day fund or just the idea of more taxes.

If the corporate income tax goes up using some "churn" percentage rather than a net profit figure and the two pieces of the bill aren't made co-dependent then it's regressive and deceptive.

If the R's are proposing an equitable increase which still generates more revenue and trying to "play nice" then compromise sure plays better politically.

The question is: Do the D's want to abase themselves at the altar of compromise or sacrifice themselves on the spear of partisanship?

Stay tuned.

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