
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 15, 2007 8:57 AM. The previous post in this blog was New feature: Think I'll Pass. The next post in this blog is Where's Vladimir?. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Thursday, March 15, 2007

If they rocked

Down in a comment thread yesterday, a few of us started working on an important issue that wasn't really in the main post. This is significant enough that it merits a discussion of its own. The burning question is this:

"If the Portland City Council were a rock band,
its name would be..."

So far we've got a handful of good ideas -- Potter's Feel, U5, Stench -- but we know our readership can take this to a higher level than that.

Comments (60)

From what I see: Question Mark and the Mysterions!


Gunga Dan and the Swiss Franc Four

Tommy the Swami and the Visions

Sammy & Danny with Union Station

Grampy & the Boys

(if Sten were mayor) The Gap Band

Roomful of Snooze

WHO'S THAT SCARY GUY ON THE LEFT?????? Isn't he the Stone that died in the swimming pool?

OMIGOD...it's...the mayor?

Between Randy and Tom, I was going to go with "Iron Prostate," but that one's been taken.


Homer Williams Presents....

Sam and The Linchpins

A GoldKatz Production

Cheap Trick
dang, already taken.

The Bud Clarkless Five

The Potter Familias


The Vision Aires

The Potter Familias

You're not gonna get much better than that.

"Not-the-Fritzy Listers"

The Pretentious

Sam the Tram and the Pharoahs

Petty Tom and the Bankbreakers

REO Streetcar

Shuns and Dozes

The Who? No, Really, Who are These People?

The Bandits and Lockjaw

Still No Public Power Orchestra

Tram Derailin'

Grumpy, Steals, Clash and Bung (And the Guy Who Was Once a Fireman)

Stealsour Pennies

The Can't Rememberists

Ok, I'll stop now.

I dunno, I kinda like "Stench". Works with the Spinal Tap picture and the whole hard rock motif...

Speaking of "Spinal Tap" how about calling the City Council Band "Revenue Tap"?

Sam the Tram and the Failures
(tried to be alliterative to Pharoahs)
Sam the Tram and the Bureaus
Your Tax Dollars at Work

Whatever their band name, it's obvious they wouldn't have clue what their manager was doing with their money.
And not bother to find out.

Kool-Aid Experiment
Tommy and The Underbosses
Anal Tap

Tickets on sale now for the Masters of Multnomah tour.

OK…I’ll contribute. Way too much fun.

The Council Chambers Brothers

Five Guys Named NO

Bumbling Bureaus of Funk

Tommy Two Face and the Charter Review

The Five Wise Guys

I realize that last one is a stretch.

How about movie titles?

A Street Car Named a Liar

The Concrete Bungle

The Tram over the River…Why?

Five Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest

This just in...

Without a Clue

"The Concrete Bungle" is gold. It made me laugh like an idiot.

Spinal Tram

Rush.... to poor judgement

The Vision Errs

Hearing Impaired Faux Furballs

Tower of Public Power

Spinal Tram



Los Locos

Whole Lotta Nerve

They Might be Midgets

Two Inch Nails

Outta Sync

Tommy and the Wingnuts
Sam and the OtherGuys
Potters Wheels
Fireman Randy and the Plugs

The Trolling Clones

The Bhagwan's
Cascadia Pipers
New Progressives
The Grafters

Possible album titles:

By Tram, Train Or Trolley
Sons Of The Pioneers
Memories Of Freedom
The Sky Is Falling
Condo For Five

Maybe turn "Five For Fighting" into "Five For Spending"

How about:

The Tram Bakin' Daddies

The Portland Pain

Eric and the Traminals

The Pharters

Grampy and the Tramettes

Or how about:

Five for Pharting

That's Erik to you.

Erik and the Traminals is a good one, especially for fans of this real band.

Oops, you're right - Erik it is. Sorry.

I'm trying to think of something that echoes 'Herman's Hermits' but haven't been successful yet.

Homer's Harlots?

It's Raining Sten.

I don't care what anybody says. I look good with all that hair.


Felonius Monks

And the animal print tights...
Rock on commish \m/

is it me, or does Saltzman look a lot like Jeff Beck?


"Homer's Harlots?"

Yes! I can't improve on that, at least as far as any take-off from the name 'Herman's Hermits' is concerned!

Mayor Stardust and the spiders that hate cars

The Bikels

Tommy and the PERSuasions

I do find it funny being a lifelong Spinal Tap fan that there music is now being used to sell to the geriactric generation. I always thought they had more principal and morals than yoko

Not So Cheap Trick

Randy, honey, you probably DID have all that hair! And it does look good.

My favorite so far:
The Who? No, Really, Who are These People?

Being a NW band,how about The Budget Raiders?

Bureau Cats

and in the end the votes you send, are equal to the gripes you have

John Lennon

OR OH well whatever Nevermind

I call them the 'Losers'.
Thanks, Joe

I'm just waiting for the drummer to spontaniously combust...

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