
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 23, 2007 10:28 AM. The previous post in this blog was Help the poor, but be filthy rich. The next post in this blog is Not too bright. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Friday, March 23, 2007

Future Springsteen video shoot location

Coming soon to Portland's Linnton neighborhood, whether they like it or not: a biodiesel refinery. Some of the neighbors are pounding on Commissioner Green Jeans (a.k.a. Fireman Randy) with warnings of the dangers such plants present to their surroundings. They cite accidents at a number of locations, including Payette, Idaho, Bakersfield, and nearby Canby.

But the city fathers are determined to play green warriors, just like they play real estate tycoons, utility executives, foreign policy makers, financial officers, business managers, and all sorts of other roles that they're not even remotely qualified to play. And so a refinery it is. Enjoy, Linnton.

Comments (4)

Randy can depend on all the Canola he needs for his kraut kar. Ahh... the sweet smell of success follows him down the street.

After all the BS the city has dumped on Linnton recently, I predict rough sailing for Oil Can Randy. They're pissed - and Linnton is like Lents squared.

The refinery developers and their subsidizers on the council may find it wise to keep Fireman Randy and maybe one or two other firemen around during construction.

...and after.

Article in today's (Friday 3/23/2007) Wall Street Journal about this issue and town's that are fighting these things.

The Nickle

A vegetable oil refinery should fit nicely with the already blighted industrial landscape. Funny how Randy & his buddies at City Hall are so eager to spend $millions on "renewal" for the downtown set, and the folks in Linnton - trying desparately to solve their local blight problem - get this thing shoved down their throats. Hopefully the Linntonites can see the handwriting on the wall, and will rush down to PDC to sign up for the next available low-income apartments in the Pearl or SoWhat. Their own vision of affordable housing is about to get flattened by the utopian vision of Randy Leonard.

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