
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 12, 2007 10:59 AM. The previous post in this blog was Temporary headquarters. The next post in this blog is For Randy Gragg, a new hero and a new putdown for you. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, March 12, 2007

Enjoying the passage of time

59 years old today.

Comments (24)

Was he ever young? :-)

But he was never Neil Young.

It's my birthday, too!! We also share it with Jack Kerouac.

And Liza. Best wishes to all of you.

He played Civic Stadium on September 11th 1996. I took my best girl to that show. We broke up that night.

I hate James Taylor.

And Carly Simon is turning 62 this year, for goodness' sake.

And she was never Paul Simon, or was she?

No, Sweet Baby James is not Neil Young, but he did play banjo on Neil's "Old Man". You can look it up!

The part of James Taylor's career that is really amazing to me was when he started on Apple and got to go to England and hang out with the Beatles in their glory years. Not a bad way to begin.
Chris, I'm sorry you hate James Taylor after the break-up following the concert. Could the problem be in the phrase, "I took my best girl"?

Got my undergraduate degree from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill - I have probably heard "Carolina in My Mind" as much or more than any other Oregonian. (The Tar Heels have unofficially adopted the song even though it's not about the university.) I've heard it so much that it's the only beautiful song that I know that brings a tear to my eye while making me want to set small objects on fire.

I've always considered him LAME - and time hasn't changed that perception one bit!

I still love his music.

My 14 year old daughter thinks he is a "whiner."

I think he gets better with age.

Nick Fish

I used to like him, but that Tribute to James Taylor, on Great Performances, changed my mind.

He played Civic Stadium September 11th, 1996. I took a girl to that show. She is now my wife and mother of my child.
I love James Taylor!

Do you like "Back in the High Life" by Steve Winwood? That's James Taylor singing with him.

She is now my wife and mother of my child.

That's really cool. Congratulations to the both of you. I stand by my statement, but I'm glad some good came out of that evening.

smarana...thanks for sharing that. I almost forgot good things have happened on September 11th.

My high school sweetheart L O V E D James Taylor when she was 17 (and he was in his late 40's)...I never did understand the attraction. I loved his music, but a sex symbol?

She wound up marrying a guy who was 20 years older than she; it didn't last. I'm pretty sure the older man obsession had something to do with how distant her father was, emotionally speaking.

My 14 year old daughter thinks he is a "whiner."

Your daughter is very wise for her age.

James Taylor could put his Greatest Hits on a 45.

I was at that concert too! I went with my boyfriend and thought it was a great concert (he always has wonderful musicians and back-up singers, check out any James Taylor live recordings), but it was ruined for me by NW hills teens LAP DANCING in the row in front of me. LAP DANCING TO JAMES TAYLOR. Unbelievable. If you happen to be one of those idiots and are reading this, I curse you to this day. I barely go to concerts anymore (well face it, can't afford 'em) but because of YOU have not gone to an outdoor concert (except for the Symphony)for 10.5 years. His son Ben Taylor was visiting friends in Pdx and stood up and sang with his dad, it was really neat. The last concert I went to was James Blunt and people behaved, thank God.

Taylor Lifetime Mistakes:

1) Part-time junkie / Part-time No Nukes spokesman

2) Blew off Carly Simon Mogambo Party, now trying to hit on wrinkled-up Carole King.

3) Missed out on 1976 offer to become Spokesman for Hairclub for Men.

4) Had "Yoko Ono Moment" by singing Mockingbird with wife. Should spend time in Pergatory listening to Barry Gibb/ Barbara Streisand duets.

Brother Gary on Jesus:

- Illegitimate son of a carpenter who hit on young virgins.
- Never had a real job.
- Vagrant.
- Quack medicine.
- God complex.
- Strange all-male posse, except for a prostitute.
- Sold out by his own associate.
- Convicted of capital crime.

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