
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 5, 2007 6:46 PM. The previous post in this blog was Watching the clothes go 'round (not). The next post in this blog is C'mon, Fireman Randy, save the planet. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, March 5, 2007

As high as you can get in Oregon (legally)

If you ever wondered what an argument before the Oregon Supreme Court sounds like, here are some podcasts for you. Today's arguments were held at Lewis & Clark Law School, and they're available for your listening pleasure on the law school library's website. Word is that it's the court's first podcasting experience.

Today's cases were:

Costco Wholesale Corp. v. City of Beaverton, podcast here.

Questions from the audience following Costco Wholesale Corp. v. City of Beaverton, podcast here.

Nakashima v. Oregon State Board of Education, podcast here.

Questions from the audience following Nakashima v. Oregon State Board of Education, podcast here.

Comments (3)

Very interesting, Jack. Thanks a lot.

Why were they at L&C? Cool stuff, to be sure, but was there some problem with their usual venue?

The Oregon Supreme Court regularly hears arguments at various venues throughout the state -- part of a wise effort to show the taxpayers how the court operates.

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