
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 23, 2007 6:05 PM. The previous post in this blog was It's illegal to blow your nose in Portland. The next post in this blog is Transcontinental connection. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Friday, February 23, 2007

Bovine excrement from the Salem Charm School

It's not a beer tax. It's a "malt beverage cost recovery fee."


Comments (19)

HeyZeus, my tax burden would double!

I'll place a small wager that the D's will learn the meaning of overreaching with this one. Talk about kicking a sleeping Labrador.

Whereas four out of five Oregonians polled are in favor of increasing an alcohol tax

What? Are they serious? When was that poll taken? And where? At a MADD meeting?

What a bunch of BS.

C'mon Jack. We already have a beer tax. And they dont want to be accused of "raising taxes."
Just remember, calling it a "fee" lets the progressives keep saying we are one of the "lowest taxed states".

Makes me laugh reading all the support for a cigarette tax and whining about a beer tax.

I guess it just depends on what you've chosen to indulge in.

It coudn't be that so many people think it is ok to tax someone else's vices as long as their own are left alone. Could it?

Cut spending! Cut taxes!

Well now....this cold be trouble. Mess with smokers...yeah OK whatever, there are scum anyway right? Mess with Beer drinkers and we could have a problem.

As soon as I read this I had to check and see how many barrels Deshutes sells, which is my favorite. Seems they sell 160,000 a year, a bit over the 125,000 number. Looks like I'll be paying....

Their recent Newsletter does a thorough debunking.

Read the legislation closely. This has the same M.O. that was used most everywhere against tobacco products. Corrupted health care costs, tax on procduct required to pay for the alleged health costs, and as always "save the kids". The tobacco smokers did warn everybody. This won't stop here. In a few years they will be back for more.

Here are some statistics on Oregon craft brewing, and the Oregon Brewer's Guild position on this proposal.

And although I couldn't confirm it, I believe Full Sail Brewing in Hood River might be above the 125,000 threshold as well. Sigh.

Ah, it's all just a bunch of bullocks, anyways.

There's only one thing we can do: double up consumption before the tax goes into effect, and then boycott all taxed beer.

Well, all that drinking does take a toll, but on the lighter side:

How about we call it the

"2007 Health Livers Act for a New Oregon"

That'll make it easier to swallow now won't it??

Dang forgot the "y" on the punchline! That's the :

"2007 Healthy Livers Act for a New Oregon"

You need to get the word "children" in there somehow.

You need to get the word "children" in there somehow.

Boy, that nails it. Of course it's for the children. Like the cigarette tax increase is called Healthy Kids. The level of cynicisn is amazing as the state "partners" with tobacco/drug pushers to profit off addicts.

Under age drinking is so awful...of course they include 20 year olds in their stats (old enough to join the army and serve --and die!-- in Afghanistan, but too young to hoist an IPA!)

Why do politicians treat us like we're all children?

Their (Deschutes Brewery) recent Newsletter does a thorough debunking...

I couldn't find the "debunking", but did sign up for their newsletter. Thanks! Great to hear they're planning a brew pub for the Pearl...hopefully with more character than the new, improved Bridgeport.

Frank, the politicians treat you like a child because you continue to vote them into office.

Why do politicians treat us like we're all children?

Because we elect them to do so. I can't tell you how sick I am of hearing "man on the street" interviews on the news where they ask about the government passing some nanny-state new law and hearing, "Well, if it saves some lives, I guess it's a good thing..." or "Well, you know, some people just can't make good choices..." (Oh, I LOVE that one) or "I just don't feel safe anymore. If I have to buy all new toiletries at my destination and submit myself and my grandmother to cavity searches, I'm OK with that..."

It's at the bottom of the newsletter titled "The Bitter truth About the Beer Tax".

Under age drinking is so awful...of course they include 20 year olds in their stats (old enough to join the army and serve --and die!-- in Afghanistan, but too young to hoist an IPA!)

They do the same thing with cigs. You can buy them at 18, but they include up through age 19 in their stats to show that "kids" are buying them.
There was a recent Tribune article about cig advertising that said most people dont start smoking as "adults", but it also said that most people do start smoking around age 18 or 19. Arent they adults?

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