
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 17, 2007 11:22 PM. The previous post in this blog was The latest from Storm Center 9000. The next post in this blog is Storm Center 9000 - on hiatus. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Storm Center 9000 - live remote!

As part of our continuing coverage of the Portland Slush of 2007, bojack.org Storm Center 9000 takes you now live to Portland International Airport for an update. It's a bleak scene out here -- groups of passengers, waiting for their red-eye flights, holding their heads and moaning softly. Here in the bar at Stanford's, the merlot seems a bit cooler than usual, but still delightful.

Out on the D concourse and the north lobby, they've cleared things out for -- hold onto your hats for this one -- another meaningless and wasteful renovation! Now that Portland doesn't really have much of a shipping port, all those Port employees have to have something to do, people.

The temperature continues to hover at 34 degrees, dangerously close to freezing. Residents are advised to refrain from all unnecessary activity -- all you need to do is stay tuned to Storm Center 9000, where we'll continue our comprehensive team coverage of all the news you could have learned by going outside. Don't go outside!

Comments (6)

Road report 2:45 AM

Cully ne57th neSandy neBroadway-to7th

No traffic.

24-hour Kinko is not 24-hour, due to lack of traffic.


The freezing point of water has been updated to 33 degrees F by order of the City of Portland. The sanding truck is standing ready across the street from me to show that the City of Portland is the City that Works, by sanding so that they can clean it up later with the sweeper crew.

Update: 3AM PST the City of Portland has declared that the new freezing point of water is 34 degrees F.

There apparently is a thermometer somewhere on NE 33rd that recently read 28 degrees (on the new CoP temperature scale). It might need calibration or the new freezing point of water might have to be adjusted to something below 28 degrees F.

“The streets have been plowed, but in many cases, they can't get lower than an inch, so there's still going to be an inch of material on the ground,” Adams said. “You know, I could always use more [plows], and it would be a quicker response, but it's all about money.”

Maybe Homer and Co. would consider a public/private partnership to subsidize the purchase of affordable snow plows for secondary street deployment into our neighborhoods.

I know I would benefit from a neighborhood snowplow at least as often as I'll ride the Tram (rimshot). Given what I've read about the national condomania bust, Homer's going to need a side biz to keep the cash coming in, and the wheels of democracy well lubed.

The CoP has already told us that we're on our own where neighborhood streets are concerned: let's see if Uncle Homer is willing to invest a few million in community relations.

Breaking News from the PDC: The layer of snow makes undeveloped blocks downtown worth minus 10 million dollars, so any developers who call before it melts, are in luck.

Now that Portland doesn't really have much of a shipping port, all those Port employees have to have something to do, people.

Please read today's "O" Business Section


Also maybe the blogger should find out numbers before they make statements like the one above. We are up in container, breakbulk, and grain volumes in addition to the increased auto's.

Jeff, thank you for that correction. I hadn't seen that story last night when I posted that entry.

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