Shameful if true
An alert reader writes:
I could swear I saw Erik Sten entering a parking garage on Salmon this morning in a red Volvo SUV.And what next? Comcast cable in his house?Has he gone to the dark side? What will the Bus kids think?

An alert reader writes:
I could swear I saw Erik Sten entering a parking garage on Salmon this morning in a red Volvo SUV.And what next? Comcast cable in his house?Has he gone to the dark side? What will the Bus kids think?
Comments (12)
I moved to Oregon in 1972 with all my wordly possessions packed in the back of my 1970 Volvo wagon.
I'm currently on my 5th Volvo wagon, a 1998.
It is the safest, roomiest, most practical...
OK, the SUV looks really friggin' stupid, like it's taken too many steroids.
Sorry, am I being defensive? It's this damn tram thing, and trying to get someone to ride with me. I feel like an ugly hooker trying to drum up business...and the response is: you've GOT to be kidding!
Posted by Frank Dufay | January 11, 2007 4:02 PM
Take three homeless people with you. The egalitarians at OHSU will love that.
Posted by Jack Bog | January 11, 2007 4:08 PM
When I ran into the commissioner on the campaign trail he was always driving a Subaru... I think it was a forester.
Posted by Dave Lister | January 11, 2007 4:13 PM
I wonder if he realizes he is driving a Ford. They sure did a good job of hiding that nameplate. Man, ol' Erik is making the scratch, that's a $50K set of wheels.
Posted by Steve | January 11, 2007 5:28 PM
My God, a Forester is a SUV! How can Green Sten do that here in Portland? Leonard is planning on outlawing SUVs and donuts.
Posted by lw | January 11, 2007 5:28 PM
firenvironmentalist Randall will make an exception - if the SUV has recycled, trans-fat filled, run-flat donuts.
glazed, of course
Posted by rr | January 11, 2007 5:41 PM
When I ran into the commissioner...
AHA! That's how you got the hole in your door.
Posted by rr | January 11, 2007 6:31 PM
The Forester is an SUV on a technicality. All wheel drive station wagon isn't exactly a true truck and it isn't towing a boat or other machiline CO2 chugging machinery. It definitely is a far cry from a Ford Excursion or Chevy Yukon.
Funny though. If Erik wanted real street cred he'd role a diesel SUV like Randy Leonard so he could by B99.
Posted by DarePDX | January 11, 2007 10:13 PM
Erik can fill up at Citgo and support his ideological brother, Hugo Chavez.
Posted by Silence Dogood | January 12, 2007 7:31 AM
At least it isn't a Hummer....Like the soon to be former director of the Vancouver Housing Authority.
Posted by John | January 12, 2007 8:35 AM
Well maybe now y'all will agree with some carbon taxes. You'll be able to dig into your favorite anti-hero's income ... be it Ahnold or Eric ... or ...
Posted by anon | January 12, 2007 11:12 AM
Funny though. If Erik wanted real street cred he'd role a diesel SUV like Randy Leonard so he could by B99. you know which diesel SUV he drives? I would bet its the Jeep Liberty. The only others are the Ford Excursion and the VW Toureg. The VW is really nice, too. But $70k. And I dont see him driving the Ford. But I could be wrong.
If you want the Jeep though, get it soon. Because the governor's new Calif-style DEQ regs make non-commercial diesel vehicles illegal starting next model year.
Posted by Jon | January 13, 2007 2:13 PM