
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 10, 2007 1:04 AM. The previous post in this blog was Honorable discharge. The next post in this blog is You missed it. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, January 10, 2007

No word on whether Grimwad will perform

An alert reader passes on this notice, dated Monday, from the Portland Parks Bureau. The links were added by me, obviously:

The meeting with Parks Director Zari Santner regarding Mt. Tabor Yard, originally scheduled for January 16th has been cancelled. It will be rescheduled for mid-February in order to first provide an opportunity for input into the meeting agenda and outcomes. Michael Mills, City Ombudsman, has agreed to assist in this effort by attending the Mt. Tabor NA and South Tabor NA meetings on January 17th and 18th to clarify community expectations for the meeting and gather perspectives about repairing relationships and working together in the future. It is hoped that these candid conversations in advance will help ensure that a February meeting with Zari is productive and gratifying for all concerned. The date, location and time for a February meeting will be broadly announced as soon as arrangements have been confirmed.

In addition to the conversation described above, it is hoped that a draft public involvement process and timeline for developing a recommendation for the future of the PP&R central maintenance facilities can be shared at these meetings, with time for comments and suggestions. Input will be incorporated into the draft public involvement plan and then the draft will be be posted on the web for additional comment before it is finalized.

Anyone interested is welcome to attend and participate in the discussion.

Please post this note and/or send to others who may be interested. Thank you.

You're welcome.

Comments (10)

to clarify community expectations for the meeting

Tar and feathers, the rack, or stocks?

We've gone from city bureaucrats trying to cover the Mt Tabor reservoirs, to just trying to cover their ass.

Michael Mills, City Ombudsman, has agreed to assist in this effort by attending the Mt. Tabor NA and South Tabor NA meetings on January 17th and 18th to clarify community expectations for the meeting and gather perspectives about repairing relationships and working together in the future.

Let me translate this puzzling bit of bureaucrat-speak into English: "We will send skilled p.r. people to meetings full of angry residents so that our profoundly UNskilled-at-p.r. agency head does not embarass herself when confronted by these angry residents a month from now."

If you're being honest with people, you shouldn't be scared.

"If you're being honest with people, you shouldn't be scared." Tell that to Jesus.

Sounds like the Mt. Tabor parks meeting will be like the PSU tram meeting put on by Commissioner Adams last spring-"shake and bake". When things are hot send Sam-"Mr. PR".

Sounds like they failed to beguile with brillance and they're working on baffling with bullshit.

The chips are down. No matter whether Zari is wearing tap shoes or soft shoes, the dancing is gonna get messy.

"... In addition to the conversation described above, it is hoped that a draft public involvement process and timeline for developing a recommendation for the future of the PP&R central maintenance facilities can be shared at these meetings ..."

Hasn't the recommendaion already been "developed"?

If you go to the parks website under publications then project plans in the following link.


You will see

Project Plans

Columbia Children's Arboretum Master Plan
* East Holladay Park Master Plan
* East Portland Community Swim Center Master Plan
* Errol Heights Park Master Plan
* Gov. Tom McCall Waterfront Park Master Plan
* Lents Little League Master Plan
* Maintenance Facilities Feasibility Study
* Stephens Creek Nature Park Functional Plan

But if you click on the link, the Maintenance Facilicities Feasibility plan has disappeared.


I was curious about reading it, but I guess I am SOL.


The other questions that don't seem to be being answered are the ones you brought up in this post. If the campus is woefully undersized now and needs the extra acreage to exist in Portland, then what happens when they outgrow this campus. Do we give them more of Mt. TaborPark, where is there next expansion. I suspect that the land will be sold off to "finance" the expanded campus, then if the City doesn't give up its land.

In your previous post, WP talked about going from 300+ to 1200+ to survive. Is this a land investment scheme for them so they can finance that expansion as if the post is true, they did on the Multnomah County giveaway of the land orginally.

That land where the maintenance facility sits was being looked at for a conservatory similar to the one in the original Ohmstead master plan and is like the one in the Seattle parks system.

The question should not be whether that is the best place for a maintenance facility, but should that land be for parks and people of Mt. Tabor neighborhood to use and enjoy.

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