We did it!
Ask and ye shall receive. That's pretty much the story of our fourth annual Buck-a-Hit Day. We've met all our goals -- 1,000 hits by noon, more than $1,000 in the e-Hat, and some excellent comments in the Comment Contest. And so local charities will receive more than $3,500 as a result of our efforts; what's more, a reader will get to name a charity to receive part of that amount when the winner of the Comment Contest is announced tomorrow.
It's above and beyond what I was hoping for. Thanks to everyone who made a contribution, large or small, monetarily or in commentary. There is still a half hour or so left in the day, and so we'll leave comments open and keep the e-Hat around. Feel free to help us increase the e-Hat haul. Half of what you give will go to the Oregon Food Bank, and the other half to the Oregon Chapter of the Children's Heart Foundation. Click on the hat to make a donation:

We'll recap this all early tomorrow. Until then, Merry Christmas / happy holidays to all, and to all a good night!
Comments (2)
Thanks, Jack.
Posted by rickyragg | December 19, 2006 11:51 PM
My pleasure. Good, clean fun. So many nice people out there.
Posted by Jack Bog | December 19, 2006 11:55 PM