Campaign of the Year
Cousin Jim over at Parkway Rest Stop has made it to the level of finalist in the prestigious 2006 Weblog Awards. You should vote for him -- he's a helluva writer, and some "farookin'" excellent stuff emerges from his "cruller" from time to time. It's easy to cast your vote -- just click on this:

And come back every day for the next week or so. You can vote once every 24 hours until the election is over. While you're at it, the rest of the award categories can be found here.
Comments (2)
Thanks, Cuz!
Posted by Cousin Jim | December 9, 2006 10:05 PM
Jack, you might want to fix that link. I tried it, and it sent me to Rush Limbaugh's page. Only Rush seems to be losing his class.
Posted by Auggie | December 10, 2006 10:35 AM