
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 10, 2006 10:14 AM. The previous post in this blog was Wreck of the Old 47. The next post in this blog is Perfectly bad guitar. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Friday, November 10, 2006

The skies above are clear again

The election was a tremendous relief. My wife and I danced in the streets. I mean that. We literally danced in the streets. I feel like I can breathe again, and this country is once more a wonderful place. Yesterday I bounced around and it was just like the good old days. In fact it was better, because it was a good new day.
Read the whole thing here.

Comments (6)

It might be the start of a new day, but the day after the election I got home to find that I'd been the victim of a smash and grab, meth head burglary. $1800 worth of damage to my home for the sake of twenty bucks in spare change and a handfull of DVD's.

I just hope our new day will include open police stations, jail beds and some progress on property crime in Portland.

Bernie, Tom, do you hear me???

Dave Lister I just hope our new day will include open police stations, jail beds and some progress on property crime in Portland.

Bernie, Tom, do you hear me???
JK: No, they are too busy listening to Homer and his gang.
Heck they just got their bubbles in sky to play with.


Uh-oh. Looks like the Right was Right.

Move along people, nothing to see here.

The Democrats will save us all...right after they repeal H.R. 6166 and the Patriot Acts, end the Iraq war, reduce deficit spending, stop Dyncorp and the Pentagon from running child sex slavery rings, stop the military from torturing prisoners and railroading them through tribunals, and restore posse comitatus.

Oh wait, the Democrats aren't going to do any of that. Enjoy the New Freedom, same as the Old Bush Freedom, those of you still stuck in the left-right paradigm. But we can look forward to the borders being wide open for Jose while Homeland Security (and new committee chairman Joe "Turn America into Israel" Leiberman) focuses on the rest of us. We can look forward to more insane feel-good centralized proposals from Barbara Boxer relating to a problem we can no longer stop (global warming). We can look forward to the Senators from Oregon continuing to be prickless, ineffective mutes. We can look forward to more race-based preference legislation, some of which Bush WILL sign, as he did in 2003 and 2006.

And then, Barak Hussein Obama, who none of you know anything substantive about besides the fact that he is the slightly aged version of superhuman prototype Tiger Woods and whom you perhaps wish would bone your chaste marriage age daughter, if you have such a daughter, in order to create bionic elite offspring, will save us all, and deliver us from imperial corporate fascist hell. Yeah.

So move along people, nothing to see here. Return to your regularly scheduled false left-right paradigm.

Well, the Netrolls can grouse all they want.

On Wednesday morning, I e-mailed my ex with "Yay" in the subject line and "Whoop-whoop" in the body of the e-mail. All that was needed at that time.

Yeah, sure, now we got to get down to work, but like Bill MacDonald, I haven't felt this good about politics in a long time, even though all the money I gave to candidates went to lost causes (Rob Brading, Sal Peralta and Mike Caudle).

I even have to say I started to like our governor much better when on the day after the election he chided the news media for overplaying weather stories, as if rain were something new in Oregon.

Uh, Gil? That was sarcasm.

Just so you know.

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