
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 26, 2006 9:07 PM. The previous post in this blog was Right under my nose. The next post in this blog is The price of fame. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Sunday, November 26, 2006

Quotation for the Ages

From our three-year-old: I'll take that no as a yes.

Comments (8)

She's already ready to be on the city council.


she's channeling sen kate brown

That's just the beginning. Next, they'll just start assuming that no's are fungible. Or their hearing suddenly degrades.

Or they'll swear up, down, left, right and center that you actually said yes, they *heard* yes - and it's merely your old and decrepit memory that vaguely recalls uttering a 'no' about some other topic in the far distant past.

Just get it in writing.

In the true style of this culture - that "NO" is a relative term.

A great quote from my friend's 3-year old son at dinner on Saturday - when asked why he did something, he looked at his mom and said, "Because I'm three!"

"Or they'll swear up, down, left, right and center that you actually said yes, they *heard* yes - and it's merely your old and decrepit memory that vaguely recalls uttering a 'no'..." Betsy, you just described my teenager daughter to the letter!

that's actually really, really cute. go jack!

See, I have a teenage son and a precocious eight year old - if I weren't on my toes 24/7, they'd have me believing I was >thisclose

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