
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 1, 2006 6:36 AM. The previous post in this blog was Recycling. The next post in this blog is Live forever. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, November 1, 2006

Hear, hear

"You know that we don't need any more studies," state Sen. Avel Gordly, D-Portland, told the group at City Hall. "We need to act on what we already know . . . This is about putting together our collective will." -- From an Oregonian story today about the Portland area's "open air" mental health "system."
We could also use disciplinary action once in a while against police officers with violence problems.

Comments (5)

Is it me, or is the crisis intervention training requirement just window dressing? I mean, I'm glad they're going to get the training now, but isn't it easier to say, "Use common sense... if you try to go above the law, we will prosecute you no differently than civilians" ? Create a culture of zero tolerance for this crap... there are some stellar officers with high standards, and through peer pressure and acting by example, they need to change the PPD from the inside out. They shouldn't be seen from within as turncoats.

Crisis Intervention Training ("CIT") won't help and wouldn't have helped one iota in the Chasse situation.

Currently next to nobody volunteers for CIT. Heck, even some of the volunteers only volunteered for CIT because their superior told them to "volunteer" for it. Cops inclined to the CIT approach of long talks and guiding the person to speak about their problems already do so. It's common sense for an empathetic cop who's looking to help a distressed person and not just clear a call.

Those disinclined to such an approach won't be cajoled into taking it. A few mandatory hours in a classroom doesn't cure misanthropy.

More specifically, how the heck would CIT have helped, let alone prevented, Chasse's death? They thought Chasse was urinating in public, he ran and they used unreasonable levels of force to subdue him, resulting in his death.

Do people think CIT tells cops to not approach mentals? That would've have prevented this. Do people think CIT teaches to not pursue mentals? That would've prevented this. Do people think CIT instructs cops to not use force on mentals? That would've prevented this.

CIT does none of these things and wouldn't have prevented Chasse's death. The idea is absurd.

Instead of useful responses like actually disciplining overzealous cops, having "johnnypile" training (there's currently none) or instituting an employee review program (incredibly, there's currently none), they've chosen to use CIT as a shield and politicize the program.

The PPB's ridiculous response is hardly a surprise yet still disappoints me.

the mayor office is blaming the mental health department.

the mayor should be recalled and the attorney general should be fired.

when top brass looks the other way, everyone down the ranks learn to cover up.

it is enough to talk but no action, reform is needed urgently.

What's needed is some "LIT" Leadership Intervention Training.

It's a sad, sad commentary when the mayor either doesn't know how or is afraid TO DO THE RIGHT THING.

To watch this travesty unfold presents two object lessons: 1) the moral weakness and of the mayor when faced with tough decisions and, 2) the strength and moral vacuum of the police union.

A perfect storm.

I fully agree with abouve comment: Potter
has shown himself to be morally weak and
the PPB/PPA (what's the difference anyway?)
have no clue as to how to polish their much
tarnished "image". If image is all they're
running with, they need to be told that all
they're carrying now is TRASH. Nobody has
done a better job of trashing these clowns
than themselves. Let 'em live with it!

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