
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 24, 2006 12:32 PM. The previous post in this blog was For the good of humankind. The next post in this blog is Homeboy. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Great view from the aerial tram [rim shot]

You'll be able to look down and see all the crumbling bridges that there's no money to fix.

Comments (3)

TribuneAccording to a July 2006 city auditor’s audit, the backlog of streets needing repair has increased from 439 miles in 1991 to 597 miles in 2005. After adjusting for inflation, the estimated cost to make all identified repairs in the backlog has more than doubled since 1994, growing from $44.8 million to $92.9 million.

This does not include the cost of fixing all bridges needing repairs. The most recent inventory of city bridges recommended that 36 of them be replaced or repaired. It pegged the cost at more than $132 million.
JK: Then why does the city waste money on boulevarding perfectly good streets, adding bike lanes, extended curbs, diverting parking meter money to the streetcar and slowing fire trucks and ambulances with speed bumps?


I applaud the Tribune in emphasizing the conditions of our road systems. I hope they can do a little better job of relating their "Sustainability" articles to the fact that roads are part of what needs to be sustained.

Efficient roads adds to the "Sustainable" equation just by less consumption of fuel because we are not sitting in traffic comsuming fuel. And we can add another five reasons that are proven.

Sorry, everybody, CoP Transportation Department just pissed away millions of city taxpayers dollars to construct the Kohler Koaster from OHSU to SoWhat.

The message: We don't care if you die in a bridge collapse, at least the doctors at Pill Hill got more parking and a neat way to look down on everybody else.

Tough luck.

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