
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 22, 2006 9:05 AM. The previous post in this blog was Get your Muse on. The next post in this blog is Hang up and drive. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Friday, September 22, 2006

Shakeup at the PDC

There's a serious administrative reshuffling under way at the Portland Development Commission. A new diversity officer position is being created, and some other slots are being added and eliminated.

Hard to read what's going on based on just this initial report, but Fireman Randy's positive about it:

Commissioner Randy Leonard, a frequent critic of the PDC, said he has "felt like the entire community was blown off" by the agency recently. But Warner's moves, he said, show Warner is trying to respond to community concerns.
It looks like progress to me as well.

Comments (6)

Oregonian While praising his 185-person staff, Warner acknowledged they've got work to do.
JK: I know how the city can save around $14mil per year (185 people at $75,000 each)


"While praising his 185-person staff, Warner acknowledged they've got work to do. The new structure, he said, will improve customer service and provide "crispness and clarity" in decision- making"

Sounds like he is evaluating a bottle of wine.

Under Mazziotti, it was like a bottle of Mad Dog.

I know how the city can save around $14mil per year (185 people at $75,000 each)

No kidding, why do they need that many people?

We'll see.

The proof of the pudding is in the eating.

One needs to keep things in context when evalulating changes at the PDC.

When Warner is fired for lying in his Oregonian commentary about all things going swell in Sowa we'll know there is change happening.
In light of the recent $170 million bail out Warner's snow job could not be more clear. I'll round up that Warner piece when I get back in town. It's an even bigger read of BS now.
When city officials, or leagl action, force the PDC to release a full and genuine accounting of SoWa and heads roll in the aftermath we'll know change is happening.
If we get some piece of fundemental info currently being witheld such as debt service costs for SoWa we'll know there is change happening.

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