
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 1, 2006 4:41 PM. The previous post in this blog was The livable (cough, cough) city. The next post in this blog is September grass (fake). Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Friday, September 1, 2006

Learning to crawl again

It took an afternoon to get this far, but I've managed to get the main page of this blog looking sort of the way it used to. Can you say "tedium"? And there's lots more of that to come, of course. The comments and archives now look weirder than ever, and there are more sidebar thingies that I have to bring back, if I can remember how.

Then there will be the matter of what to do with what I have been able to salvage of my archives. Yuck. Oh well -- as my old boss used to say, "That'll keep you out of the pool halls."

Comments (5)

The way "Jack Bog's Blog" looks like an actual billboard in the trees is excellent. I sense an undefeated spirit here. Rather than a cyber-disaster, this could end up being your blog's finest hour.

I know you're busy with the site and everything, but you'll want to take time to take the piss out of this article:


Best quote:

"Macartel says the fact that the Meriwether has a range of homes, from $1.5 million residences at the high end down to $320,000. means that the neighborhood will be diverse."

Many thanks for the banner. Now rickyragg has targets to look for :-)

P.S. Rickyragg, you're really not driving anywhere near the Springwater Trail (or Marine Drive) this weekend, right?

Looking good!

Now, you can get back to work discovering things for all the rest of us to enjoy.

Glad we got ya!

Thank you.

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