
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 14, 2006 2:09 PM. The previous post in this blog was Linnton reacts. The next post in this blog is Got a second?. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Thursday, September 14, 2006

I'm sure it's a great deal for the taxpayers

There was an interesting piece of noncoverage in yesterday's O about some of the latest doings at the Portland Development Commission. Here's the "article," in its entirety:

The Vanport Square deal, the city's biggest redevelopment project along Northeast Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard, is scheduled to close at the end of the month. That's according to Carl Talton, who's running the Portland Family of Funds, a private firm that's helping put the deal together.

The project has suffered false starts for years, most recently when a call center backed out. Developers Ray Leary and Jeana Woolley changed the concept to for-sale business spaces. The site, between Emerson and Sumner streets, includes the vacant Marco manufacturing building and a proposed building.

Expect to hear more about this later. MLK is No. 1 among Mayor Tom Potter's redevelopment priorities.

Well gee, folks, if it's going to close in the next two or three weeks, when is the public going to get to see the details? Certainly lots has changed since the previous deal on the property fell through -- who's getting what this time around? Did I miss that story, or is this another PDC rush-rush special?

With the "Family of Funds" on the scene (cue James Gandolfini), there's already a slight odor.

Comments (1)

"MLK is No. 1 among Mayor Tom Potter's redevelopment priorities."

You'd never know it by visiting the "vision center"


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