
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 14, 2006 10:38 AM. The previous post in this blog was Memo to Homer. The next post in this blog is Linnton reacts. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Thursday, September 14, 2006

I like 'em

The guy who runs the Portland Water Bureau has an interesting column up today on the city's historic Benson Bubblers.

Comments (8)

For a few years after 1992, the city went around and shut off the fountains during the warm, dry, sunny season. Then someone figured out that this is the time when they're most useful. It's encouraging to see that the current technology allows them to run a good part of the time. A turned-off fountain (or one with a faucet valve or button) is a turn-off. They get dirty and become unappetizing to use, and somehow the continual flow conveys a feeling that the water you get will be fresh and clean. They are a great city institution, and I hope they survive, although the current alliterative nickname seems kind of silly.

I can't imagine Portland without them, but some of the charm wears off when you see someone bathing in them.


On the brighter side, at least we didn't have to pay for a city-wide name study to come up with the nickname.

Did we?


Your title for me is a lot better than my official one of "Administrator".

The bubblers are a great and unique piece of history that we have jealously guarded and protected. The only one outside of Portland that we know of is in our sister city in Sapporo.

On a side note, I also saw your memo to Homer Williams. Although I am sure you weren't meaning to provide a public service with your post, I was unaware of the Segway recall until I saw it there. We have two that our Security staff use to patrol at the Washington Park and Mt. Tabor reservoirs. They are great for moving our folks around quickly in a big space. I pulled them from service today so that they can be fixed before one of our folks gets hurt.

On a further aside, if you haven't been up to Washington Park in a while, please visit. The grand staircase from the park to the reservoir has recently been uncovered and spiffed up. We still have some work to do before it is safe to use, but soon you will be able to see and access the reservoir much as it was in 1895.

David Shaff
The Guy Who Runs the Water Bureau

Thanks, David.

Actually, my memo was to Homer Simpson.

Hay, David,

get them off their Segways and onto bicycles.

it's better for them
you can help save the earth.
save money!

We do. They use the Segway as well as bikes.

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