
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 27, 2006 8:05 AM. The previous post in this blog was Sign o' the times. The next post in this blog is "We are ALL the city". Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Climb every mountain

Here's a mission -- visit all the McMenamin's brewpubs (etc.) and blog about them. Good luck, kids! (Via Welcome to Blog.)

Comments (6)

Every time there's a round of school closings, I go with the same line: Don't think of them as closed schools. Think of them as new McMenamins.

Don't think of them as closed schools. Think of them as new McMenamins.

Just out of curiosity, how many former schools have been turned into McMennamins? If it's less than 2, maybe we can dispense with that joke.

Wait 'til the Catholic bankruptcy is over. They'll be serving Terminator in St. Mary's Cathedral.

If it's less than 2, maybe we can dispense with that joke.

Kennedy School, and the St. Francis School in Bend--that I know of. There could be more, as there are a ton of McMs in Oregon.

Out of curiosity, I counted how many I've visited from that site's list. I got 17 (plus a couple not on the list). Whoa. What's really disturbing is the number of times I've been to a few of 'em.

Hey, that St. Francis school in Bend was Catholic. Perhaps The McMenamin brothers got a settlement for their grievance... the school in lieu of money.

KIDDING. Bad joke...

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