Blog as chick magnet
A reader writes that a single friend of hers is so amused by the comments on this blog that she requests that commenters include their photos and phone numbers with their posts, "because nothing is more sexy than a witty guy. This could be better than match!!!!"
Hmmm. I don't know about that. The whole idea could easily get out of hand. Besides, some of the best wits are female.
I do have some photos of our guy commenters, but I don't know if they want their names and phone numbers associated with them. Here are a few; see if you can connect them with the names they use when they post here:

If any regulars would like to take the reader's friend up on her suggestion, go right ahead.
Comments (1)
Fans of Justin M. and myself should enjoy this video of he and I visiting a small Internet cafe outside of Tucumcari, NM last summer on our way to Burning Man. That's me on the left. Justin, as always, is wearing his ubiquitous headband and Yao jersey.
Yes ladies, we're available. Please e-mail Jack with your contact information, and we'll get back to you.
Posted by: Chris Snethen at August 20, 2006 01:38 PMPictures from the top:
Posted by: Hinckley at August 20, 2006 02:01 PM1) Tom Potter and the last person who spoke more than three minutes at a council meeting;
2) Mildred Schwab;
3) Mike Donohue undercover;
4) The night they filmed the Nads infomercial at Sam Adams' house.
Boy, if I had a nickel...
But while the ladies often claim this is the case, it sure seems that when the rubber meets the road, what they really mean is nothing is more sexy than a good-looking witty guy. The other kind of witty guy is definitely invited to the party, but shouldn't expect anyone to go home with him.
Heh... but at least I'm not bitter... :-D
Posted by: David Wright at August 20, 2006 03:24 PMI suppose a blind date with one of these guys would be wishful thinking on my part... since I'm not blind. Anyway Jack's right, it could easily get out of hand. Sure these guys could make me laugh until I cried, but since I would be crying anyway, what's the point. Besides, dating the second guy could be rather explosive.
The Single Friend
Posted by: The Single Friend at August 20, 2006 04:13 PMJust for the record, the single friend is not actually single at the moment. She's currently seeing a man who is handsome, intelligent, charming, and very good in bed.
Her Boyfriend
Posted by: Her Boyfriend at August 20, 2006 04:17 PMBut not funny?
Posted by: Kari Chisholm at August 20, 2006 08:35 PMI thought women liked doctors. Have you ever met a witty doctor?
Posted by: patrick b at August 20, 2006 08:57 PMI just want to say that I find these attempts to categorize women as a group to be sexist and degrading. I think women should be appreciated for their individual spirits and minds and stuff. Thank you.
Posted by: Bill McDonald at August 20, 2006 09:50 PM...and stuff?....
Ok... You made me spit my morning vinegar tea all over my desk. I gotta live with that all day.
...and stuff.
Posted by: Coyote at August 21, 2006 07:05 AMThe third picture is me, at my day job.
Posted by: Isaac Laquedem at August 24, 2006 10:28 AM[Posted as indicated; restored later.]
Posted by Blog restoration | August 14, 2007 3:20 AM