Rocky Mountain high

Here's an interesting story out of the University of Colorado. They're offering rewards to people who can identify a bunch of stoners who had a weed party on campus in defiance of the school's prohibition, and of the pre-announced camera surveillance of their protest.
Here's the official campus cop page on the smoke-in. Turn in a friend, pick up a $50 bill.
Comments (13)
Naturally, you wonder how many of those 50's will be used to buy weed...
Posted by Jack Bog | May 4, 2006 8:11 AM
Couldn't any competent lawyer get the charges thrown out by getting the cops to admit on the stand that they have no idea if the people are smoking pot or tobacco? I have friends who roll their own (tobacco) cigarettes, and the things look just like joints.
(Yes I know these people were smoking pot, but unless they have footage of them rolling the joint, there's no way they can prove what they were smoking.)
Posted by Dave J. | May 4, 2006 9:19 AM
Does GOP Radio God Rush Limbaugh know about all this illegal drug use?
I hear Rush was so upset at seeing all those pot-smoking college kids, he dropped the police ID card during his MUG SHOT photo session after being arrested for illegal narcotics possession.
Life is funny, ain't it Lars?
Posted by Daphne | May 4, 2006 9:44 AM
"(Yes I know these people were smoking pot, but unless they have footage of them rolling the joint, there's no way they can prove what they were smoking.)"
Even with said footage, can you tell if they are rolling canabis or dried bluegrass? Beyond a reasonable doubt?
I bet that many of the people collecting the $50 for ID'ing the people in the photos, are in fact the same people in the photos. Many are posing for the cameras, and no doubt wanting to be arrested.
Isn't that what the goal is when you protest? Isn't this a protest? Are they really in danger of getting anything more than their wrists slapped?
Posted by Harry | May 4, 2006 9:50 AM
Meanwhile back on the farm...
Meth use is out of control on a nation wide level. Please send me a news link for a pothead who breaks into homes and cars to steal things in order to feed their drug addiction. In my opinion, pot use will never go away so the USA better start building more prisons for about half of the US population. I bet most of these college kids will become lawyers.
Posted by jojo | May 4, 2006 11:01 AM
The question I always ask the anti-pot crowd is this: other than the fact that it is illegal, name one bad characteristic of pot that does not also apply to alcohol.
I also think the pro-pot crowd needs to get corporations on board with their efforts. You mean to tell me there are no companies that would profit from increased use of pot? Has anyone ever bought "Cool Ranch" Doritos while NOT stoned??
Posted by Dave J. | May 4, 2006 11:24 AM
The question I always ask the anti-pot crowd is this: other than the fact that it is illegal, name one bad characteristic of pot that does not also apply to alcohol.
A better inquiry would be to ask what bad characteristic of alcohol applies to pot.
I also think the pro-pot crowd needs to get corporations on board with their efforts. You mean to tell me there are no companies that would profit from increased use of pot? Has anyone ever bought "Cool Ranch" Doritos while NOT stoned??
I have. Once. You do have a point, though. I imagine that much of the late night fast food business is fuelled by pot. Then there are the potential benefits of taxing the stuff. "Think of the Kids! Roll a doobie!" Hemp is also a great fiber and the whole kit and kaboodle would make a great source of vegetable oil and biomass. And...It's renewable! A lot more things other than just late night retail fast food could be fuelled by cannabis growing.
Posted by godfry | May 4, 2006 12:08 PM
Oh... and given the signs...trespass would seem to be the main issue, not smoking of any substance. Identification need not lead to legal recourse, but it can lead to exclusion from the school, if those identified are registered at the school.
Posted by godfry | May 4, 2006 12:11 PM
So, why did the FDA really say medical pot did not help?
Because cannabis is one of best medicines ever made and you can grow it in your basement for free.
Where's the profit for Pfizer Phools and Phrauds?
There is none so Big Pharma will fight medical marijuana to their last breath. Literally.
Posted by Daphne | May 4, 2006 12:45 PM
I've read some articles that discuss that big tobacco is acutally ready for the legalization of pot. The equipment in their plants can be converted quite easily to rolling joints once the cannibus is dried. I've also read that the alcohol and beer companies will never let that happen, because if pot was legal, they would lose a large profit of business.
Posted by laurelann | May 4, 2006 1:17 PM
All of the spelling errors on the sign make me wonder what kind of english they teach at U of Colorado. Maybe whomever made the signs was baked. I mean, come on: "SURVELLIENCE"?? TRESPASSERS MAY BE "SUMMONSED"?? They'd never get away with that at L&C.
Posted by Houston | May 4, 2006 1:50 PM
"Oh... and given the signs...trespass would seem to be the main issue, not smoking of any substance. Identification need not lead to legal recourse, but it can lead to exclusion from the school, if those identified are registered at the school."
Exactly. The substance smoking, though, is the issue, just dressed in the clothes of a law they can enforce-- trespassing.
Posted by Argon | May 4, 2006 5:50 PM
Jojo's right, of course, about the need for all the new prisons to hold the pot smokers (and environmentalists, and immigrant-symps, etc., etc.). But in case you haven't been paying attention, our good friends at Halliburton are already on top of it.
Posted by greenink | May 4, 2006 10:52 PM