
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 25, 2006 8:21 PM. The previous post in this blog was Where my thought's escaping. The next post in this blog is Poor Ken Lay. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Thursday, May 25, 2006

Celebrity sighting

On our flight this afternoon: former Blazer enforcer Mark Bryant, looking good with family in tow. Here's another clue for you all: He was flying out of his current home town.

I told Bryant that he ought to come back to Portland and help Terry Porter buy the Blazers. I said that we missed him. He smiled and said thanks, but he didn't seem too interested in the ownership part.

P.S.: He is a way tall man.

Comments (3)

I liked Mark Bryant and the team Portland had at that time: Cliffy, Bryant, Rod Strickland, "Hollywood" James, Dudley... Clyde, Jerome, Buck, Porter for a time. Rookie-future-Sixth-Man, Aaron McKie, was there. Harvey Grant occasionally lit it up big. That was a team that would rip off a 12-16 game winning streak each season. On any given night, and several times a season, they would upset the premier teams in the league. Fans moaned that the team was out of Finals contention, but you had a reason to watch. The Strickland-Drexler combo was one that never really had the chance to realize its potential, due to Clyde's lingering knee injury and off-season Olympics play. However, if you look back at that starting five--Cliff in his prime, Clyde with a few big years ahead, Rod in his prime, Aaron as the 6th Man, Dudley in the middle, and the old guard with some great 20-minute-per-game seasons left in them--you can't help but think that they were broken up a season or two too soon.

Remember the Mark Bryant fan club that was on Sandy Blvd. somewhere?

He's got a much better haircut now.

Seton hall alum, my current employer!

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