
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 27, 2006 10:27 PM. The previous post in this blog was Memo to the Arlington Club set. The next post in this blog is Portland parks: the next scam?. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, March 27, 2006

Time(s) out

So what if we're staying home? The joys of spring break include the chance to stretch out a little with the daily New York Times. Great coverage of March Madness, including the lowdown on who that guy George Mason was. The latest on the hapless Knicks and Timberwolves of the NBA. A firestorm over a book about the old leper colony on Molokai. Plus a neat piece on how big old clunky Windows has become so unwieldy that Microsoft can't even update it any more.

And the photos! Cinderella and cloned pigs on the front page, but they can't compete with those nuns on rollerblades (the best shot of the day, and not posted on the web as far as I can tell except in that front page image). Roll on, sisters.

Comments (3)

So...who is that George Mason guy? Is he the surveyor guy that is half of the Mason-Dixon Line?

Virginian, right?

Mid 18th century North America, right?

Did he endow the college? What was the source of his fortunes?

Interesting article on Microsoft's problems with updating Windows. After so much success, has Windows become a broken economic model? Will Bill Gates call for a public/private partnership to solve the problem? That would be sad.

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