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Thursday, March 23, 2006

Terry and the Toe

Portland lawyer Terry Baker has been inducted into the National High School Hall of Fame for his sports career at Jefferson High School. Quite an honor, but I'll bet that Heisman Trophy is still sparkling, too.

Inducted along with Baker into the high school hall was none other than Lou "the Toe" Groza, renowned lineman and placekicker with the Cleveland Browns. The Toe was still putting them through the uprights when he was 43. He died a few years ago.

Comments (3)

The toe... I assume he really must have been a toe-kicker (as opposed to using the instep). It takes amazing skill to have any accuracy at all kicking with your toe.

I once spent a morning watching Georgia high school football on TV. After one touchdown the old school announcers kept going on about how great it is that all the placekickers in the league toed the ball in the old style instead of using that wimpy soccer-style kick. As he was saying this, the place kicker came on and missed the extra point, drilling it into the back of his o-line. The announcer then said, perfectly in stride "Yep, they don't make many kicks in this league, but they do it right." Sure enough, the score in every game involved only multiples of six.

What a guy. One of my good memories is watching Terry Baker play in Parker stadium on a sunny afternoon. For a small town kid that was a real big deal and over the years it has been a pleasure to hear about him as he always comes off as a real gentleman. Does anyone remember a fellow named Berry who was his main receiver? Just wondering what became of him.

My mother would beg to differ with the last post. Not too long after he won the Heisman, he entered the department store where she worked and proceeded to throw a hissy fit. There were a couple of folks in front of him in line... He got impatient, huffed, puffed, and when it was his turn at the counter (something about needing an item that was out of stock or something), he laid the "Do you know who I AM?? I'm Terry Baker, HEISMAN WINNER!"

To which my mother replied, "Sorry, I don't follow baseball."

He stormed out of course.


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