
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 13, 2006 9:42 PM. The previous post in this blog was Vote Sten and Saltzman -- for the children's sake. The next post in this blog is The road to a diploma. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, March 13, 2006

I'm a Listerine

It will come as no surprise to readers here that I'm advocating a vote for Anybody But Sten in the upcoming primary election for Portland City Council seat no. 2. Sir Erik has had 10 years to screw things up in city government, and he's got quite a resume in that regard. He's got to go.

But among the six challengers he's facing, which is the right choice for the Rose City? It's easy, people: Dave Lister. He is a real person who actually has a life outside government. He's a native Portlander. He owns a small high-tech business, which he's created from scratch. He's met a real payroll.

Most importantly, Lister understands well that the city government's priorities are completely topsy-turvy these days, and that they need correction fast. He thinks it's time to stop tilting at Opie's windmills and get back to the business of running essential government operations. Writing as the "Eastside Guy," he's ably pointed out the misplaced priorities and sheer incompetence that have blown tens of millions of city tax dollars over the past few years while basic services such as public safety and transportation have gone to pot.

It's time to stop the goofball antics at City Hall. Whatever you do, cast a ballot for Anybody But Sten. But the best Anybody you're going to find in that pack is Dave Lister.

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