
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 18, 2006 2:31 PM. The previous post in this blog was Introducing Nice Week. The next post in this blog is Right angle. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Saturday, February 18, 2006

Wild about Harry

I just watched a video clip of Harry Whittington, the guy whom Dick Cheney shot, as he left the hospital yesterday. Whittington seems like a very classy guy.

I wish we had someone like that running the country.

Comments (20)

Thankfully, we do have a class act running this county. However, as the saying goes, Blue Staters like you don't know a class act when you see one.

Friends don't let friends vote liberal.

Low class.

I don't have a single friend that would be that understanding if I shot him/her by mistake. I don't believe party affiliation has much to do with it.

Maybe if I were the VP it would enhance their willingness to endure the pain in relative silence. If it happened on the West Coast, I would bet the lawyer would sue the shooter even if it were his best friend. I think this may be a "Texas thang": my buddy shot me, but I ain't mad...he was aiming at the bird, and I didn't have time to duck.

Harry's a rare breed.

MMMarvel- Just wondering, what classifies as 'class act'? I'm not even sure most republicans would bestow that designation on Bush right now...

Class dunce.

I think MMMarvel is probably talking about Laura Bush.

People, it's nice week!

Definitely a class act. And who wouldn't be thankful to be as fit and trim as he is at that age.


he apologized to cheney for the rough week he had and cheney didn't even go to the hospital with him after he shot him, rather he went to dinner. i'm thinking there are perks to letting cheney have a pass on this one as far as whittington is concerned.

and this 'classy guy' was shot on a private game reserve 'hunting' quail that had been raised in captivity, had their wings clipped so they couldn't fly and released in a confined area so whittington could get out of his car walk over and fill one of these birds with buckshot at close range.

some class act. raise the bar, jack.

"My family and I are deeply sorry for everything Vice President Cheney and his family have had to deal with," he said. "We hope that he will continue to come to Texas and seek the relaxation that he deserves."
Harry Whittington

Harry Whittington is THE MAN!

MMM, let's go hunting! You'll understand if, after we have a few beers at lunch (I know Cheney says he had just 1 -- I'd stick to that story, too), I turn 180 degrees, fire at shoulder level and blow you away.

I'll then go back to the ranch and have a pitcher of martinis,(Katharine Armstrong said Cheney had "a" martini; I'm going to up it to a pitcher, so when I stagger into a few walls that evening nobody will think it was the beer) and won't bother to go to the hospital with you.

And I'm going to blow off the cops. Blood alcohol tests after shooting someone are for little people. Besides, what's the point of testing me? I'm going to have a pitcher of martinis after I "pepper" you. But I'll be stone-cold sober when I squeeze the trigger. Hope you won't mind if my buddies say it was your fault and my spokespeople spend the next 4 days parroting that.

See ya, Mmmarvel!

Harry is truly a class act. I am not a hunter, so I can't speak to all the protocols, but he has to have been the most gracious shotgun victim of all time. All Harrys should be like Harry.


He's an old guy. Cheney is his friend. What do any of us expect him to say???

You know, hellooo. My friend Lori would doubtless be as classy. Should I ever pepper her with birdshot... Well, maybe peanut shells at Salvador Molly's???

We were at college together. She'll forgive me.

Cheney didn't want to go to Vietnam (where the prey shot back), but says hunting defenseless animals is "part of his life."

Now, he's shot a human being and says it has caused him remorse.

The person he shot feels sorry for him.

So, VP Cheney doesn't want to be "shot at" but wants to continue killing animals (at no risk to himself).

Well, Bush didn't want to go to Vietnam either. I guess it's a "Texas thang."

I'm still surprised that any aspect of the shooting was made public.

Umm, Jack, someone like Harry IS running the country. He's a wealthy, Republican donor and fundraiser. It's the "Harries" that are the policy makers in a federal government dominated by Republicans. Why do you think he gets to go hunting with the VP? Hunting quailtards is the new golf...

Has Chaney ever thought of asking the president to go hunting with him? For some reason, the phrase, "Killing two birds with one stone" comes to mind!

Has Chaney ever thought of asking the president to go hunting with him? For some reason, the phrase, "Killing two birds with one stone" comes to mind!

Sorry folks! It was all my computer's fault...I only "Posted" once! It coulda been that one beer though, but I'm not really sure...give me a day or so to get my story straight!

Now, now -- keep it nice!

I wish we had someone like that running the county.


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CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — The lawyer shot by Vice President Dick Cheney in a hunting trip was re [Read More]

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